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this is also a filler chapter yay its rlly confusing to choose the scenes from the drama lmao

"why do you want me to hide the book?" nabi purses her lips as she began to fidget with her fingers on top of the wooden table

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"why do you want me to hide the book?" nabi purses her lips as she began to fidget with her fingers on top of the wooden table. "i... i don't want jaemin to know about my ... surgery"

doyoung's eyes soften at her words before closing the comic book and pushed it aside. "why? he deserves to know nabi, he's your fiancé"

fiancé, hearing that word made a smile appear on nabi's lips. her eyes gazed over the ring that's placed on her fourth finger on her left hand, her finger traced over the ring as she wore a sad smile

doyoung's eyes followed her finger before traveling up to her face, "is that the ring?" nabi nodded before sighing heavily

"he proposed to me yesterday and of course i said yes but then he said.." nabi's eyes that were originally staring elsewhere decided to averted to doyoung's

"you're not alone nabi - you have me, your parents, your friends. we'll fight together - you're strong nabi" nabi repeated the same words jaemin told her yesterday as he tightly hugged her.

nabi sighed again before saying, "i just don't want him to worry about my surgery so can you please hide it from the rest? jeno too"

doyoung sighed before nodding his head. a smile appeared on nabi's lips when she saw his answer


doyoung looked around before placing the small stool near the high shelf and stepped on it. doyoung's arm shot upwards as his hand roamed around to get a certain book. feeling the familiar texture of the cover and width of it, he smiled and grabbed the book

he raised to the front of his face and sighed in relief to see it is the correct book he's been hiding all day - from the request of student kwon nabi. he was so happy to see it still in place that he didn't notice another presence behind him

"oh, so it's been here all the time?" doyoung flinched as he slowly turned around to be faced with a displeased jeno. "why are you hiding it hyung? let me read it too" jeno whined as he stepped forward and tried to get the book from the older's hands

doyoung kept turning away from the younger as he held the book close to his chest, "i can't let you read this j-jeno" from a few seconds of struggling, jeno somehow managed to get the book from his hands which made the older go full on panic mode

"y-yah jeno-" "just let me re-" "i'll get in trouble you littl-" "what trou-" "just give it back!"

both males were so focused on getting the book to the point they didn't notice another presence behind them until the figure cleared her throat loudly.

both males stopped their argument and slowly turned around to be faced with a pissed off nabi. "you had one job doyoung, one job" the said male gulped as he felt extremely nervous

nabi crossed her arms in front of her chest as she continued to nag at him,
"if jeno could find it then anyone could find it" "nabi-ah, i hid it really well but it's just that jeno has a good detective skill"

doyoung tried to reason with the female before turning to face jeno as he wore a wry smile, "you should be a detective jeno-ah, you suit it" jeno only rolled his eyes at the older before prying the older off of him and began to read the book

doyoung scoffed at the younger male but then gulped again as he noticed nabi approaching him, he felt a lump growing in his throat as no words could leave his smart mouth. "why did you hide it there? it's too obvious!"

doyoung let the female nag at him as he tried to be patient. just then nabi stopped nagging when she felt jeno's stare at her, she sighed as she knows what he's going to say so she approached him and grabbed his shoulders

"we don't know if i'm going to have surgery or not and i don't know when so.." she released his grip on him and pointed at the two males with a glare plastered on her face

"both of you better not tell jaemin about my surgery or else.." the two males' eyes followed her right hand that was raised with her thumb up as she placed it in front of her neck and slowly dragged it horizontally

the two males exchanged a look together before nodding their heads vigorously. seeing their answers made nabi changed her threatening look with a warm smile which scared the two males even more

"i hope the both of you are a man of your words" that was the last thing nabi said before leaving the two. both males exchanged a look as they shuddered together

"she scares me"


"why are you getting my hopes up?"
"what do you mean?" jeno let out a smile at the confused girl before sighing as he leaned to his seat

both teenagers were in the music room, another hang out spot beside the rooftop. saeron lend him one of her earphones so they can listen to music together and saeron had just to play goodbye summer which made the boy thinking

the girl's eyes followed his actions as she waited for him to continue, "why do you keep making me think you have feelings for me?" jeno didn't break eye contact as he threw the question to her which made her turn silent as she was a bit flustered by his question

jeno noticed her demeanor and bit his lip as he tried to hold back a bitter smile from coming out, he only nodded his head as he understood her answer,

"nev-" "maybe, i do want to get your hopes up" jeno raised his head to look at her as she was already looking at him

"i'm going to try and change from now on" confusion was written all over his face and he wanted to question her but it seems like

she didn't want to answer, judging by how she's already looking elsewhere

and that elsewhere is

chenle walking past the music room with girls following from behind

chenle walking past the music room with girls following from behind

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