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"chenle-ah" the said male rolled his eyes at the familiar voice

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"chenle-ah" the said male rolled his eyes at the familiar voice. "what? have something to say?" he turned his body to the side to face saeron. the students gathered around them as they were curious on what's going to happen between the two

"i wanted to talk.. about what happened... on your bi-"
"nevermind i don't wanna hear it. by the way, you can stop being my slave.." saeron never felt sad about chenle being rude and cold to her but just right now, especially his next few words - broke saeron

"i'm sick of it" he threw her a cold glare before walking off. saeron's eyes followed his figure until he was finally nowhere to be seen. she didn't care about the whispers around her or the insults after her 'failed' talk with chenle. she only cared for the fact that she didn't get a chance to explain herself

usually she would feel really apologetic and sad but right now, she just experienced a new emotion. she's infuriated

"who does he think he is? freaking jesus?"


"imma ask dad to buy me a new watch" nabi murmured as she stared at her watch that's clasped around her right wrist. nabi's heart has acted up but it never went bad to the point her watch beeps nonstop, usually if her watch's beeps then it's when her heart is in really pain and that rarely happens but what happened yesterday was entirely new to her

her heartbeat increased widely which made her watch beep constantly but she didn't feel any pain

she had trouble sleeping last night just because she was confused on how that happened. the answers she got on google weren't helpful and she couldn't contact junhyung in the middle of the night, it'll disturb him

nabi continued to walk to her class as she tried to think of a bunch of reasons about her watch malfunctioning, "is it the battery? or is it's too old? wait... it beeped yesterday but i didn't feel any pain so does that mean.."

nabi stopped walking as her eyes widened at the sudden thought, "am i going to die a not painful death? what the f-"

nabi suddenly got pulled back as she felt someone gripping her bag's strap which made her turned around to face the person. nabi stumbled and her eyes widened as she faced the male who crouched down to her height. nabi gulped at how close their faces are

"-udge?" nabi muttered her last word as she felt her heart racing which made her panic. "didn't i tell you to text me yesterday?"

"beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep"

nabi's breathing got unsteady as she raised her right arm to check her watch. "ah sorry.. did i startled you?" jaemin stood up properly and looked worriedly at the girl in front of him

"kind of?.." nabi shook her head at her answer that was much more of a question. she took deep breaths and felt her breathing and heartbeat got steady. "i uhh.. think my watch is broken"

"but did it hurt?" nabi stopped hitting her watch and raised her head slowly to look at him. "n-not at all" nabi mentally cursed at her stuttering which made a small smile crawl up to the male's face

"it should've hurt since you forgot about me last night" jaemin shrugged before patting her shoulder and swung her bag that nabi didn't even realize was in his hands the whole time over his shoulder

"let's go to class"

jaemin started walking as nabi froze for a second before taking deep breaths to calm herself and caught up to him


two boys are casually sitting in their lounge as the rest were somewhere else. jaemin played with a tennis ball he found in their lounge and throw it against the wall for it to bounce back to his hand, he kept repeating it until it bounced into the wrong direction

onto jeno's shoulder

jaemin rose a brow at the silent boy, he was confused on why he didn't have any reaction. jaemin leaned forward and called him twice but no reply was given so he snapped his fingers and jeno blinked before turning to face him

"you okay?" jeno shrugged before sighing as he threw his friend a sad smile. "i wish i didn't have an ego like you, would i be more happy?"

just as jaemin was about to ask him what he meant, the door flew open and chenle walked in. jeno sighed heavily before standing up from his seat, he didn't feel like being in the same room as him. they passed each other but both stopped in their tracks at chenle's words

"you can have her jeno" both of them turned around to face each other, jeno rose a brow at his words.

"i don't need her anymore so have her all you wa-" "do you think saeron's an object you can just throw around?"

chenle scoffed at his words before giving him a mocking smile, "why are you overreacting? aren't you just friends?"

jeno snapped at his words and lunged forward to grip chenle's collars as he pulled them closer to his face. chenle stayed calm whilst jeno was furious, his breathing got unsteady as his brows were knitted together

"i won't hold back any longer if you keep talking bad about her"
"what is she to yo-"

"i have feelings for her" jeno said through his gritted teeth as he kept gripping chenle's collar tightly

just then the familiar sound came back and suddenly chenle's is the one gripping jeno's collars not the other way around

"you said you and saeron are just friends but why did you cross the line jeno?" chenle looked at jeno's eyes with anger clouding it. jeno stayed silent as he also felt really angry, no he was enraged

'how many times do i have to tell you that i like her'

that's what jeno wanted to scream out loud but couldn't as he was being controlled by the writer right now. chenle grew impatient, he wanted to punch jeno right at this moment but at the same time he felt childish to do so

so he said, "i don't want to keep fighting with you jeno. so stop" chenle gave him his last warning before releasing his grip on him harshly and left the room

 so stop" chenle gave him his last warning before releasing his grip on him harshly and left the room

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a bit cringy at the end sorry..

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