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it's 3 am here and i can't stop updating help...

nabi slowly fluttered her eyes open before looking around to see where she is

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nabi slowly fluttered her eyes open before looking around to see where she is. she glanced at the familiar walls and she gripped the familiar soft sheets under her until she finally recognized where she is

'infirmary again hurray'

nabi let out a small sigh before slowly raise her upper body so she could sit up. jaemin who was supposed to be looking after her, fell asleep with his arms crossed on the bed and his head resting on top of it

after successfully sitting up, her eyes averted to the sleeping male beside her. a light chuckle escaped her lips as she leaned forward to see if he was deep asleep or not. in the middle of checking him, the male fluttered his eyes opened when he felt the bed shifting around

"hi" nabi gave him a small smile as her eyes followed him sitting up while stretching as a yawn escaped his lips. "had a good sleep?" nabi managed to whisper out despite the dryness of her throat from sleeping a few hours

"kind of, are you okay? does anything still hurt?" jaemin leaned forward to grab a hold of her hand as worry laced his tone. nabi shook her head as she wore an assuring smile before looking down to their hands

jaemin's eyes followed her eyes and wore a small smile as well but then a thought crossed his mind. his eyes flickered towards nabi's face as he gathered all of his courage to ask her the question he wanted to ask before he fell asleep

"what is it?" nabi felt his stare on her and she knows jaemin has something he wanted to say and being the smart girl she is, she started the conversation. "do you have something to tell me?"

jaemin mentally cursed at his choice of words because he wanted to go straight to the point but he also wanted for nabi to say it to himself first. nabi raised her head to meet his eyes and she already knew what he meant

she purses her lips as she quietly replied, "i see you already found out.. who told you?" jaemin wore a blank expression as he slowly shook his head which confused the girl

"then how di-" "i overheard jeno.. earlier when you're still asleep - unconscious.." nabi herself didn't know she was unconscious or asleep earlier but she did have a little nightmare for a few minutes until she felt someone calming her

but she did hear every word jeno said to her, she wanted badly to just wake up and hug the male. but her body wasn't listening and kept her still on sleep mode. she didn't expect jaemin to hear jeno but she's not angry with her friend

"i'm sorry for not telling you" jaemin quickly shook his head as he gave her a warm smile, "i understand where you're coming from, i do agree i'm a bit disappointed-"

jaemin noticed her guilty expression so he stood up and quickly sat down on the bed and pulled nabi into his embrace. "what matters now is that you're alright. let's just make what happened before as a lesson for the future. don't be afraid to talk to me okay? i have the right to worry about you because i love you nabi"

the heartwarming situation was broken by nabi lightly slapping his chest repeatedly which made the male chuckle. "i felt some cheese in the end" nabi joked before wrapping her arms around his neck and rested her head on the crook of it

"just say it back" nabi felt his grip around her tighten as she let out a small giggle before leaning away so she can meet his eyes. "i love you too jaemin-ssi"

she then immediately buried her face to his neck again - feeling a bit shy from her confession while the male only cooed at her flushed state. he gently patted her back as he placed a soft kiss on her head

the two spent the next few hours just in each other's embrace as they felt comfort with being around the other until the school bell rang - meaning school's finished for the day

"did.. we just skip a whole day of school?" nabi's voice came out muffled a bit since her face was buried in his chest. nabi raised her head to see him already looking down to her

"you were out for a while" jaemin shrugs while nabi rolled her eyes at his answer. "final's next week you dumbass"

"we'll just have a study date then"


"may i ask why are you still here young gent?" nabi just finished showering and was surprised to her fiancé still in her room, sitting on her bed. she walked towards the male as her hands were busy drying her hair

jaemin only smiled before swiftly draping and arm around her waist and pulled her closer so she'll stand in between his thighs. "father said i can sleep here for the night"

nabi's eyes bulged out of its sockets when she heard what he just said, "excuse me what?" jaemin only chuckled at her reaction before pushing her down by her waist so she'll sit on one of his thighs

"i'll do it for you" jaemin stole the small towel from her hands and gently dried her hair. nabi was thankful that she started to get to use his 'sweet' actions so she doesn't freak out every time. but that doesn't mean her heart never fluttered, oh it's like on loop - it never stops

her eyes never left his eyes even though jaemin's focus was on her hair. a smile crept up of her face as she felt really happy in this moment. after that cute little situation, nabi told him to shower and how coincidentally, jaemin brought extra clothes today to school

nabi waited for him to finish showering as she lay on the bed, the longer she waited - the sleepier she gets. her eyes were already droopy and she knows it won't take long for her to fall asleep again.

she was so sleepy to the fact she didn't hear her bathroom door opening and footsteps approaching her bed. she finally realized he was done when she suddenly felt two toned arms snaking around her waist

nabi giggled when she felt jaemin's head snuggling to her neck - she felt ticklish from his soft hair brushing against her skin. the two didn't talk as they felt like being in each other's arms was already enough

they spent their last hours before sleeping with cozy cuddling and a few soft kisses. soon enough, they both fell asleep - in fact, they went to the same dreamland and shared a dream together

both teenagers felt at peace, a feeling they didn't have in a long time. they have the same wish, they both wish for this feeling to stay as long as it can, or if can...

they wish for it to last for an eternity

some fluff action for you my friends uwu

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some fluff action for you my friends uwu

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