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it's 9 am and i have an online seminar atm kmn pls

"jaemin?" nabi uncovered her hands from her eyes as the light from the flashlight dimmed

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"jaemin?" nabi uncovered her hands from her eyes as the light from the flashlight dimmed. "how did you even get here.." jaemin muttered before gently grabbing the side of her shoulders so she'd stand up

once she stood up, his hands never left her. he looked around her face and body to see if she was all fine or not, nabi simply stared at his wavering eyes that was busy looking at her arms

"did you get hurt?" no response. jaemin raised his head and looked straight into her eyes, "kwon nabi" nabi finally snapped back into reality

"huh?" he sighed before releasing his grip on her and took a step back, "i'm guessing you're all fine"

nabi was still confused about why jaemin's here. of course, she's thankful someone saved her but she never thought it'll be jaemin. not to mention, she didn't hear the familiar sound so she was sure this is not a stage, which confuses nabi more because at this moment - jaemin can act freely

"come on, let's get back" he motioned the girl to follow him with his head and started walking, but he heard no footsteps following him so he stopped and looked back to see nabi still in her place.

jaemin bit his bottom lip in annoyance before walking back towards her and swiftly grabbed her wrist so she'd start walking.

nabi let the male drag her as she tried to think of possible answers on why he came back to get her.

'is it because of our engagement? if i'm lost in the forest for sure his parents will get mad at him then'

"can you stop daydreaming? it's getting annoying" nabi broke off her thoughts and turned to face him

"how did you find me?"
"by searching"
"why?" jaemin rose a brow at the girl before scoffing,

"then do you want to stay lost here? i can leave you any moment now. don't make me regret my decisions"

nabi turned quiet before hesitatingly asked him, "is it because of our engagement?" jaemin didn't know why he suddenly stopped in his tracks, "it is right? what other reason is there?"

jaemin also didn't know why he ran back to get nabi. he usually never bothered thinking of her but earlier he did. in fact, he was worried about her. an emotion he thought he'll never able to feel towards nabi.

he felt guilty for leaving the girl alone - he didn't even know why he left her. he's started to notice he kept leaving her but earlier was the first time he felt guilty.

remembering her painful state earlier also brought back a memory of him stacking up her stone earlier today. he saw her first wish but didn't think much of it until he read her second wish which woke something inside of him

'i want to live'

"jaemin?" nabi waved her hand over jaemin's face which made him snap back to reality. "yes, that was the reason" he lied but to nabi, it sounded like the truth

"of course.." jaemin heard her mumbles and frowned at her words. "is there supposed to be another reason?"

nabi quickly raised her head and shook her head side to side, "no"

both of them turned silent as they continued to walk. nabi was fine but all of a sudden, she heard a howl from the distance which scared her. out of reflex, she quickly hugged the arm of the person beside her

jaemin looked down to see her face buried into his arm. usually, he would feel annoyed but this time, he felt amused. the sight of her hugging his arm tightly with her face buried made him think how cute she looked

jaemin decided to tease the girl so he cleared his throat which made nabi realized what she just did. she raised her head and quickly separated herself from him. she awkwardly clears her throat before muttering an apology

jaemin didn't reply as he let out a small chuckle which went unnoticed by him but not to nabi. she shot a surprised look to him, "d-did you just laugh?"

jaemin who was wearing a small smile on his lips finally noticed and cleared his throat as he changed his face into a serious one. "you're imagining things"

nabi pouted before looking elsewhere. then a wind pass by making nabi shiver, "damn why is it suddenly cold?" she rubbed the sides of her arms to make it warm, she regretted wearing shorts and short sleeves during the night

nabi wasn't exactly hinting towards jaemin but jaemin being the cocky know it all said, "i'm not giving you my jacket" nabi shot him an annoyed face, "wasn't asking in the first place"

then the two continued their walk, on their way the wind suddenly kept brushing over them making nabi even colder than before. jaemin got annoyed with her continues complaints so he took off his jacket and placed it on her shoulders

"you complain too much it's annoying" he muttered and started to walk ahead of her, nabi grip the jacket on her body and didn't notice a smile appearing on her face. "wait up"


the 12th graders trip ended and it's already time for them to go home. their train was in the evening so they could enjoy their last day during the morning and noon.

all of the students went inside the train and sat according to their respective classes. nabi decided to sit alone since dohee's and renjun's bickering disrupted her sleep

she sat way far from the others so her sleep can be peaceful. nabi was already asleep but she couldn't sleep comfortably since there were no pillows, they weren't allowed which was really unfortunate

a figure behind her saw how uncomfortable her sleep was, her head continuously bumps the glass window then it'll drop down or to the other side - like a rockstar during their concert. he contemplated a lot before mustering all his courage to approach her

he took a seat beside her and gently placed her head on his shoulder, nabi was deep asleep so she thought she was given a pillow hence she snuggled closer to the so called pillow. he waited for her to stop moving before he shifted into a more comfortable position.

"what am i even doing?" he murmured silently as he stared at her sleeping face. seeing her face much closer made him notice all of the details on her face, her closed eyes made her arched eyelashes seen more clearly, her skin wasn't too dry just a little bit oily with little freckles spread around her nose and cheeks, her cheeks are also naturally red. he chuckled lightly upon seeing her slightly opened mouth

he felt his skin tingle from her small breaths that hit his neck. "what are you doing to me kwon nabi?" he whispered lightly as he brushes the baby hairs out of her eyes

he then felt sleepy as well and didn't realize he had already fallen asleep with his head on top of hers

he then felt sleepy as well and didn't realize he had already fallen asleep with his head on top of hers

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this chapter just busted all of my uwus

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