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i accidentally stubbed my toe, what a great way to start my day :)

i accidentally stubbed my toe, what a great way to start my day :)

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the loud noise struck again and nabi gasp. she looks around to see herself at the hospital with her parents both beside her.

'wasn't i just at home earlier?'
'i guess it's time for a checkup again'

"nabi-ah, come on" she heard her father called her as a nurse opened her doctor's room. nabi and her parents walked inside and greeted her doctor

"annyeong nabi-ah, how are you?" her doctor, junhyung, who is also jeno's brother greeted her.

"good i guess?" junhyung chuckled at her response before saying, "let's start the checkup shall we?" nabi nodded and the checkup started

in the middle of the checkup, nabi's parents left her alone to buy some refreshments for junhyung, so nabi decided to ask her doctor about what's been happening to her

"junhyung oppa" junhyung has been her doctor since 4 years ago, and from all of the doctors she had, he's the most comfortable one to be with so they're much closer than you might think. but of course, they only have a sibling relationship

"what is it nabi-ah?" he replies as he typed her checkup report of this month,

"i think i'm going mental" junhyung chortled at what she said, "what do you mean by that?"

"i feel like i'm having some memory loss, is it because of my disease? or is it because of the new medicine?" junhyung chuckled at her before replying, "i'm sure you're just imagining things"

nabi sighed at his reply before arguing, "no, i'm actually serious. it's like i suddenly teleported from here to there" junhyung pursed his lips before motioning for nabi to come closer, nabi scooted closer to hear what he has to say

"i'm also serious, stop watching dramas will you" nabi playfully shoved junhyung as he laughed, "don't worry about it too much. i'm sure you're alright" nabi sighed before nodding slowly

"am i really alright though?"
"what do you mean by that?" junhyung raised his head from his computer

"i don't have a lot of time now.." her voice trails off as she tried not to break down. "nabi-ah" junhyung grabbed her hand for comfort as she raises her head slowly to look at him

"you'll be alright, as long as you keep consuming your meds and keep a healthy lifestyle. now smile okay?" nabi nodded slowly with a small smile even though on the inside she felt like she's not going to last long


nabi's stomach grumbled as she walked inside the gates, "good thing i brought this" she raises the strawberry milk in her hands before opening the lid,

well she tried to but suddenly the loud noise came back

nabi looked around and her eyes fell to a familiar figure, "choo saeron" the said girl turned around to see nabi running towards her. "o-oh hey nabi" nabi gave her a smile

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