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from now on, the upcoming chapters will be more focused on nabi and jaemin whooppp

"hello people! the sun is shining and it's a bright and beautiful da- what the fuc- fush- fish?! what are you doing here jaemin?"

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"hello people! the sun is shining and it's a bright and beautiful da- what the fuc- fush- fish?! what are you doing here jaemin?"

the three people present turned their heads towards the new figure who just came inside the kitchen. jeno pointed a finger towards jaemin as he wore a surprised look

then his eyes went to the dollhouse in front of jaemin and nabi as well as the opened comic book jaemin's holding. then realization came to jeno as he covered his mouth dramatically

"y-you got yo-" "stop being dramatic and just come over here" nabi cuts him off as she was done with her friend's extra self, jeno scowled before obeying her words and approached the three people sitting there

"when did you find your ego?" that was jeno's first question as soon as he sat down beside doyoung.

"recently" jaemin shortly replied before flipping the comic's page and continue to read it as he was first disturbed by jeno's arrival

"woah~" jeno silently awed before turning to doyoung, "is it a good thing that many found their egos?" doyoung shrugged before putting his clasped hands on the table

"this is my first time to see so many people with their egos" jeno nodded before playing with the toy figures they placed inside the dollhouse

"was i that mean?" jaemin grimaces as he read the part he told nabi was a burden at the beach before turning to face nabi

"i'm sorry" the two other males were shocked to see a pouting jaemin while nabi was unfazed and only nodded with a small smile, "i told you i already forgave you yesterday" jaemin sighed before resting his head on nabi's shoulder as held the book to his face so he can read comfortably

turns out, na jaemin is very clingy. this side of him was finally shown when he found their ego. usually, characters who have found their egos will act more like their usual selves in the shadows. if they haven't found their ego then sometimes they will still act like their 'stage' self, that's why there was only a little difference between stage and shadow jaemin before he found his ego

and i will say it again, the other males became even more shocked when they saw nabi stroking jaemin's hair casually

"h-how? what?" both of them said at the same time, same tone, same expression with their fingers pointing at the couple in front of them


"good afternoon mrs. zhong" saeron greeted the older woman who had just walked down the stairs in front of her. "good afternoon to you as well choo saeron" mrs. zhong gave her a small smile which saeron knows is fake

mrs. zhong inhales lightly as her eyes looked down and was astonished at how worn out saeron's shoes are. "i should send you a pair of new shoes" saeron followed her gaze and internally rolled her eyes

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