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ok this book went so fast how in the world did it reach 30 chapters wth im shook

"thank you" saeron gave the male beside her a smile as she took the held out strawberry milk from his hand

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"thank you" saeron gave the male beside her a smile as she took the held out strawberry milk from his hand.

"how did you know i like strawberry milk?" saeron asks curiously at jeno who opened his milk's lid. "i saw it in the book" he calmly replied before taking a sip of it

"book?" jeno grinned slightly at her confused tone before shaking his head towards the girl, "forget about it" saeron purses her lips before looking down at her hands where her milk is

"you seem to know a lot about me" jeno lightly chuckled before replying, "i do don't i?" saeron nodded with a smile on her lips

"you're like a guardian angel"
"guardian angel?" jeno threw her a confused look as she nodded as her response. jeno nodded his head as he wore a sad smile

"i guess i can only be your guardian angel.." jeno turned his head to the right to look at the girl beside him who is already looking at him with her doe eyes.

"guardian angels always protect their person from afar which is perfect for me since i will always be right behind you as you walk through your life"

'because i can't be the person who will walk right beside you, that's already reserved for chenle'

that's the sad truth of jeno's love life- wait no, that's the sad truth of his life. he was brought or drawn into this world just to help the lead female and male get together as it is his job as the supporting protagonist. that's his only purpose on why he was drawn - doesn't that mean he will cease to exist when his job is done? it will be a lie if jeno says the thought of him being erased from this world when his job is done never crossed his mind,

the world he's living in is a comic book, his so-called god is the writer and the writer can do anything he wants with his book which leaves the characters helpless

he felt stupid to actually fell for saeron, outside of the stage. at first, he fell in love because the writer made him to but after the time they have spent together, he slowly fell for her real self which is during the shadows.

his love for saeron is only to make this 'comic' more exciting by adding a love triangle which is useless because everyone knows, chenle and saeron will end up together

or will they not?


"is your foot okay?" the female in question only sat quietly and didn't give any response. the male crouching in front of her only sighed at her silence before grabbing the shoe beside him and raised her left foot a bit to easily insert it inside her shoe

then he placed her foot on the ground again and stared at the girl with worried eyes, sadly she was looking down to her hands that are placed on her lap. "nabi-ah" he softly called out

she raised her head and glared at the male which made him more apologetic. "i really don't understand you na jaemin"

jaemin bit his bottom lip nervously before calmly replying, "i'm sorry" nabi sighed heavily before diverting her eyes away from him

"let me explain" nabi nodded slowly still with her eyes away from him. he stood up from his previous position and took a seat beside her. "i'm gonna sound crazy but just hear me out.." nabi noticed the tired sigh that escaped his mouth so she slowly craned her head to the right to look at him

"i didn't mean to leave you like that but somehow i did like i was being controlled?" jaemin spoke with an unsure tone before groaning out of frustration, he felt like he's speaking bullshit right now but nabi was shocked, she knew where this is going

"jaemin-ah" jaemin turned his head to the side and saw nabi's eyes were more round than usual like she was in disbelief.

"have you been experiencing time skips?" jaemin's eyes widened at her question

nabi's mouth gaped from his reaction as she raised a finger pointing at him,
"y-you found your ego.."
"ego?" nabi furiously nodded before scooting closer to jaemin which startled him as he backed a bit since they were too close

"when did you found your ego?"
"i don't get what you mean by ego" nabi rolled her eyes at his answer, she clears her throat as she prepared her words to explain the comic shit to her fianc- friend

"the world we live in is in a comic book" she looks to his face and as what she guessed, he wore a blank look - for sure nabi knows he thinks she's crazy.

"now don't think i'm crazy because i'm not, i'll show you the comic and dollhouse later but first-" she paused before moving her hands around - gesturing their surroundings, then to her and him

"this world is inside a comic book. we're the characters inside the book, all of the people you've interacted, see, met are all apart of the comic book" jaemin still stayed quiet since he felt she's not done yet with her words

"not all characters know they're inside a comic book, only those who have their egos. like you, me, jeno-" "jeno?" nabi nods as jaemin was bewildered

"the chef at our school also knows and i don't know who else. you found your ego when you experienced time skips and when you hear a certain loud noise"
"i think i know what noise you're talking about"

"it sounds like a slate being hit right?" nabi nods as she wore a smile, "correct"

"now when you feel like you're being controlled, that's during the stage. the stage is the only moment when the writer can control us and what happens during the stage will be seen in the comic book. but right now, we're in the shadows. the only moment we can be ourselves without being controlled by the writer"

"since it's in the shadows, it never appears at the book and only those who have their egos can remember what happened during the shadows"

jaemin's eyes sparkled at nabi's last sentence. "you have your ego right?" nabi nods at his question, "if i don't then how did i explain all of that to you" nabi joked despite the seriousness in jaemin's voice

"then do you remember when i told you i was worried for you? because i do and i mean it"

"then do you remember when i told you i was worried for you? because i do and i mean it"

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30 chapters have passed and jaemin finally found his ego lmao

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