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it's fullsun's birthday whoop whoop 🌻💛☀️

"what's that?" nabi asks dohee who just got back from buying something, "it's a love stone" dohee giggled happily at the plain stone she's holding

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"what's that?" nabi asks dohee who just got back from buying something, "it's a love stone" dohee giggled happily at the plain stone she's holding

"okay?" dohee turned to her friend before asking, "you didn't buy one?" nabi shook her head before looking ahead. "don't need it"

dohee sneered at her, "each stone's sizes are different but they work the same" dohee raised the stone to the front of her face

"when two people break the stone at the same time, it breaks according to how much the person likes the other" dohee pointed at some of the students at the field - breaking the stones with their crushes.

"isn't it romantic?" dohee turned towards nabi and frowned at nabi's unamused look. "it's dumb" nabi winced at the pain from getting hit by the girl beside her

"what was th-" "here" nabi stopped talking and glanced at the stone dohee's holding out to her. "no" nabi pushed the stone back which made dohee whined

"after breaking it, you can write your wishes on it and stack it up. then your wishes will come true" dohee tried to persuade her but nabi shook her head - not interested

"i sai-" nabi gasp as a vision came through her head. she stood up abruptly, startling dohee. "yah what's wrong?"

nabi turned to dohee before grabbing one of the love stones. "oh i see you're starting to realize your love for jaemin huh? i'm always rooting for jaebi" nabi didn't realize what dohee said until she just did

"what the heck is a jaebi?" dohee rolled her eyes at her, "jaemin and you duh? it's a ship name" nabi sighed before sitting again

"who are you going to give it?" nabi gestured the other love stone dohee's holding.

"ummm.. um-"
"is it one of our friends?" nabi tried to not laugh at her friend's stammering

"no why would i give it to renjun?"


"i never mentioned renjun" dohee's eyes widened at the realization but nabi already stood up with a cheeky smile as she pointed a finger towards dohee. "you have a cru-"

nabi couldn't finish her words as dohee suddenly clamped her mouth shut and tackled her to the ground.

"do not speak a word kwon nabi or else you're dead"



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