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i rlly hate my country bcs these dumbass bitches cant fuckin stay at home and just keep gOinG oUtsiDe hAngiNg aRounD wiTh tHeiR fRienDs like bitch if you're going to keep this attitude then tell me fuCKING WHEN IS THIS GOING TO END DONT BE FUCKIN SELFISH

thankyou for listening to my needed rant and sorry for the harsh words but at the same time im not bcs im so done with people and i wanna smack a face hhh

now onto the chapter, enjoy

the trekking event started, all students rushed inside the forest with their partners

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the trekking event started, all students rushed inside the forest with their partners. "do you really need to hold my hand?" jaemin raised a brow at the girl beside him as she swung their joined hands up and down

"the writer wants it" she replied as she raised her other unoccupied hand to the sky before turning to face jaemin, "try to release our hands and it'll go back to how it was" jaemin snorted at her and parted his hand from her and started to walk ahead of her

"3 2 1.."

and just like what nabi said, jaemin's hand was suddenly back being intertwined with hers and of course, jaemin had no recollection of what he said moments ago.

once they were in the forest, their hands parted and they walked with a gap between them. all of the students went in different ways so some were alone with their partner. jaemin and nabi were one of those people, they're alone now in the forest - no students near them were seen

it was quite dark but thankfully they both were given flashlights. they were both walking slowly until nabi got impatient so she started to walk ahead of him. jaemin raised a brow at her figure before catching up to her

"have you been here?"
"of course no, it's my first time"

jaemin cocked a brow at her, "then how do you know the road so well?" nabi gave him a smug grin before replying,

"i skipped dinner just to memorize this whole place.. because someone might leave me" she whispered the last sentence which made jaemin unable to hear it

then suddenly the familiar sound came back and nabi felt her heart starting to hurt, "shit" nabi clutched her aching chest as she crouched down. jaemin noticed the girl wasn't following so he turned back to see her crouching in pain

jaemin closed his eyes out of frustration before sighing heavily, "this is why you're so burdensome" he muttered before leaving her all alone.

nabi stared at his figure that slowly by slowly started to disappear until the sound came back and the stage ended. nabi sighed in relief when she felt the pain going away, she slowly stood up from her previous position before cursing at the male

"freaking jerk" nabi kept throwing a few insults towards jaemin until she felt it was enough. then she started to walk again - trying to find her way out of this forest

a few minutes have passed and nabi felt like she's not going anywhere. the forest looked so foreign to her that she felt she wasted her time trying to memorize the map earlier

"i'm sure i've passed this tree before" nabi muttered as she pointed at a tree that was identical with the other trees surrounding her. she looked around and mentally cursed

"i'm lost"


on the other side, jaemin already found his way out and started to walk towards the hotel. he passed the teacher that was guiding the forest's entrance and the teacher didn't even bother to question why he was all alone

as he walked, he can't help but think of nabi. her painful state earlier is making him hesitant to ignore her, then he remembered her stone that has her wish written on it. that thought made him even more guilty as he contemplated on going back inside the forest or just go back to the hotel

"jaemin? where's nabi?" a sudden voice appeared beside him which made all of his thoughts broke off. "did you leave her?" jaemin didn't reply and only gave him a blank look

"you're her partner .. and fiance, don't be so harsh on her she's alre-" jeno stopped talking as jaemin suddenly left him and ran back inside the forest

"already sick.." jeno sighs before shoving his hands into his pockets and head back to the hotel

as jaemin ran back inside the forest, he tried to contact her but she didn't answer which frustrated him even more

"where the heck are you kwon nabi.."


"no no why?.." nabi repeatedly hit her flashlight so it'll turn on but unluckily for her, it was out of battery.

nabi sighed as she leaned her head on the tree behind her, she tucks her knees into her chest as she tried to calm herself

she wraps her arms around her legs and looked around to see any sign of people but sadly, she's all alone in the dark deep and cold forest. her phone died earlier which made her more angry at herself for not charging it before the trekking activity

she can't help but get scared at the tiniest sound she hears, "i'm not scared... i'm not scared" she mumbled repeatedly until she flinched at a sound of a twig breaking near her

"mum!! i'm scared.." she cried out as she closed her eyes in fear. her mind started to make imaginary noises from her scared state, "i'm really sorry writer-nim... please forgive me" she clasps her hands together as she looked up to the sky - hoping the writer will send someone to save her

she kept on begging silently to the writer but unfortunately there wasn't any reaction which made nabi devastated. nabi closes her eyes as she rested her head on her arms, she felt like this is her punishment from the writer for her attempts at changing the story

"you're too mean writer-nim... jaemin too.. why is everyone so mean?" she murmured as she closed her ears to stop hearing the noises around her so it won't freak her out more

"i wanna go home.. i regretted coming here"

all went silent to nabi as she curled her body and closed her eyes. she was beginning to lose hope since she knows she's in the deep part of the forest, for sure no one dared to come here

then suddenly she felt something shining on her as well as a sound of feet stepping on the dried leaves. she raised her head and winced at the brightness, she covered her eyes slightly and tried to make out who was the figure

the figure approached her and when she saw who it was,

she was surprised

so yes it was jaem who stacked her stone whoop whoop

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so yes it was jaem who stacked her stone whoop whoop

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