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why hello beautiful person who's reading this story ;)

"why are you following me? just stay with him" chenle turned around feeling annoyed with the girl following him from behind

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"why are you following me? just stay with him" chenle turned around feeling annoyed with the girl following him from behind

saeron bit her lips nervously before mustering her courage to say the next few words, "why are you like this chenle? you can be mean to me but jeno's your friend.."

chenle sighed heavily as his annoyance meter just got a lot higher. "did you just follow me to say that crap? who do you think you are?" saeron frowned at his words

she nods her head as she wore a bitter smile, "fine, i'm sorry for caring about you because i thought we were friends" she shot him a disappointed look before walking past him

"are you that dense?" saeron stopped in her tracks as chenle continued his words, "how could you not know how i feel?"

saeron turned around as she wore a confused look, "what more do i have to do?"
"i don't understand what you mean"

chenle exhaled heavily as he felt really frustrated, "do you really don't know? or are you just pretending?" saeron gave no response as and her silence was an answer for chenle

he threw a glare towards her before turning around and walked away


"why are you even worried? of course, you'll be invited dohee" nabi said to her friend who kept looking through her messages frantically for the past 10 minutes

chenle decided to throw a birthday party and most of the students in cheondae were invited, well that's what he said. his parties are always exclusive and secluded, only the fewest people can get invited. of course, those people are his closest friends, dreamies, and a few of his friends in their year

"i know but i just need a confirmation" dohee muttered before exiting kakao and refreshed it before going back in. just then a loud exclamation was heard from dohee as she jolted from her seat which startled nabi, "what? is it the invite?"

dohee sat down again and nodded happily as she showed the invitation to her friend. "did you get yours?" nabi nodded and replied, "an hour before you"

dohee scoffed in disbelief before crossing her arms as she felt annoyed, "chenle be picking favorites now.." nabi chuckled at her friend and was about to annoy her even more until a few images ran through her head

another vision.


"so what was the vision?" jeno asks as he took a bite from his sandwich. both teenagers hung around the school near the soccer field as they both eat their snacks

nabi told everything she saw. from chenle putting on some fancy ass heels on saeron to him telling his chef to put a lot of strawberries on his cake, then the waiter who was carrying the cake suddenly fell and almost bump into saeron but she was quickly pulled away by chenle. and the last but not least, chenle making an announcement about saeron being the only one for him

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