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boom double update
this is more of a filler chapter hehe

"you're with me right?" nabi craned her head to the side to see jaemin right beside her as he was already looking down to meet her eyes

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"you're with me right?" nabi craned her head to the side to see jaemin right beside her as he was already looking down to meet her eyes. "h-huh?" jaemin cracked a grin before gently flicking her forehead

"we need to pair up dummy, come on you're with me" nabi let herself being dragged by jaemin to an available seat at the top part of the platform which is at the back of the art room.

for today's art class, all students will be going to learn the art of pottery. the teacher already taught them the basics earlier while doing it so they can get a clearer view on how to shape the clay properly

all of the materials and tools were already prepared at each seat so the students only needed to pair up and choose a seat for them to start. art class is definitely one of nabi's favorite subject at school because it's a class where you can express yourselves freely by making tons of different types of art - not to mention, the teacher is also really kind which makes the class even more fun

nabi's eyes went around the room to see who paired up with who as she waited for the teacher to finally say 'begin'

'chenle and saeron okay i've expected that... renjun and dohee? those two are inseparable so also expected i guess... jeno and .. yena? that match didn't cross my mind.. oh they kinda look cute to-'

"nabi-ah" nabi blinked repeatedly when she saw a hand moving up and down in front of her eyes. she turned to the side to see a worried jaemin. "a-ah sorry, i was daydreaming"

nabi wore an apologetic smile before patting his arm as she gestured him to start. "let's just start" jaemin stared at the girl who's busy shaping their clay with all of her might

the clay was a bit harden so it needs some strength to shape it well. jaemin couldn't help but wore a smile at the sight of nabi trying her best to shape the clay with her little hands and a few incoherent grumbles left her lips which were mostly about foul words she called the clay

in between her grumbles, suddenly nabi felt warmth enveloping her from behind with two giant toned arms appearing on each of her sides as the figure's hands reached out to place it on top of hers

nabi became frozen as her heart skipped multiple beats, she let jaemin's big and warm hands assisted her hands to shape the clay. "i'll help you" nabi slowly craned her head to the side to see jaemin's face right beside her, she didn't care about how close their faces were and kept staring at his concentrated eyes that were focused on the clay

jaemin noticed her stare so he stopped moving his hands and turned his head to face her. jaemin chuckled at her flushed face which looked adorable in his eyes so he gave her a sweet smile before turning his focus back to the clay

nabi's eyes widened even more before she finally came back to her senses. she mentally cursed at how weak she is before taking a deep breath and faced the clay in front of her. she tried to focus on shaping the clay but it was really difficult,

her eyes gazed over how big jaemin's hands were guiding her small hands, it looked really cute. she noticed how soft yet firm his grip on her hands which somehow made her feel protected? even though they're not in a dangerous situation but nabi agrees to the fact that she always feels safe around jaemin

"should we write our name on it? after we're finished" nabi felt his eyes were back on her and knowing her heart is already beating rapidly, she needs to stay calm for her watch to not beep so she decided to only nod and kept staring at the clay

jaemin noticed her demeanor and only chuckled before inching his body closer to the girl and continue to shape the clay with him guiding her

"ah~ love is in the air"
"yah you're supposed to be helping me" renjun winced at the punch the girl beside him just did.

"you're doing all fine" dohee rolled her eyes before mumbling a few curse words towards her friend

the two sat not far from the lovebirds so renjun can't help but enjoy the drama he was currently watching until dohee disturbed him. renjun tore his eyes away from the lovebirds to dohee, he rose a brow at the sight of her struggling

"i'll do it" renjun pried her hands off the clay and scooted closer to the table so he could properly shape the clay. dohee sighed as she felt her bangs flying momentarily from the air leaving her lips before coming back down on her forehead messily

her eyes gazed over renjun's delicate hands that are shaping the clay skilfully but also properly. then her eyes went to his face, the way his brows were knitted as his eyes were solely focused on the piece of clay and the way he pursed his lips into a thin line

dohee didn't realize she just let out a silent dreamy sigh as she continued gazing over renjun's features until renjun turned his head to the side which snapped dohee back to reality. "o-oh, you're done?"

renjun nods as he patted his hands together to wipe the excess clay off of his palms, "you didn't hear me saying it's done?" dohee's mouth gaped a bit before closing it with a sheepish smile as she fidgeted with her fingers

"i was daydreaming i guess.."
"yeah, daydreaming about my face right?" dohee abruptly sat up straight as her widened eyes met with renjun's smiling ones

"i don-" "don't even deny it, i felt your eyes all up on me" dohee was about to reply again before she shut her mouth and rolled her eyes as she averted her eyes elsewhere

renjun chuckled before outstretching his hand to grip her cheeks to make her face him. renjun's other hand reached out to fix her messy bangs so it would appear more decently

dohee's heart skipped tons of beats as she felt the blood rushing up to her face as she watched his actions. she felt his delicate fingers gently fixing her bangs before softly patting the back of her head

dohee became frozen as renjun kept stroking her head while wearing a sweet smile on his face

"beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep"

oh how funny it was dohee who's heart was beating rapidly but it was nabi's watch that beeped

oh how funny it was dohee who's heart was beating rapidly but it was nabi's watch that beeped

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idk how pottery works so im only writing it based on how it was shown in the drama hehehe

we got some renhee / dojun (?) action ayee

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