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btw i forgot to tell you that in chapter 3.2, the part where chenle makes an announcement is apart of the stage.

2, the part where chenle makes an announcement is apart of the stage

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"well.. seems like we just lost to the writer" jeno muttered out as he wore a bitter smile while nabi was frozen from the announcement earlier.

"well.. i guess whatever he writes always happens in the end" nabi purses her lips as she sighed heavily. then her watch beeped which made nabi sigh again, she took a familiar purse out of her bag and dumped all of the medicines out

"do you really need all of these meds?" jeno silently asks as he felt bad for his friend but at the same time he also feels scared, nabi is terminal which means her chances of being cured is really small to the point she may be incurable. she's also an extra which adds more to her chances of being erased from this world by dying and of course, jeno doesn't want to lose his friend

"i'm already dead if i don't take all of them" nabi tried to crack the mood with a joke but didn't work as jeno's face still had a sad look on it

nabi inhales softly before leaning forward and ruffle her friend's fluffy hair. "don't worry jeno, junhyung oppa says i can still get a transplant" nabi tried to voice out the most convincing and reassuring voice she can so jeno will calm down

"if you're hurting or anything please tell my brother or me or even jaemin or just anyone nabi. okay? promise me?" jeno held out his left pink to nabi who only smiled at him

"i promise" she intertwined their pinkies and didn't forget to seal the promise by tapping their thumbs together. even though nabi was smiling on the outside

she's internally frightened because junhyung also said she can only get a transplant if her body is strong enough for it if her body is strong doesn't mean the operation will run smoothly or her body will 100% accept the new heart, nabi knows it's bad to think negatively but she needs to see this matter as real as she can despite this world is inside a comic book

nabi feels bad lying to her friends but she can't get them worried and just in case she does die, she doesn't want to live her last moments with her friends feeling sad so she decided to lie for the sake of them. nabi only prays each and every night that her ending will be the best for her and the people around her

there are only two answers about how she'll end up soon, either she lives with a new heart or she dies and sadly, for now, there isn't a sure answer to know her ending.


"what the fu-" "it's bad for a girl to swear" a hand clamped nabi's mouth shut. nabi's eyes went up to the figure's and he only gave her a sweet smile before releasing his hand from her mouth

"you startled me" nabi lightly pushed his chest as he stumbled a bit before chuckling, "sorry, i didn't mean to" he stroke her hair momentarily before walking past her and grabbed her bag that was on the bed

"wait this isn't a stage?" nabi turns around to face jaemin who held her bag over his shoulder as he approached her, "nope" he shook his head before nudging his head towards her

"are you ready yet?" nabi looks at herself and around her room before nodding, jaemin slung an arm around her shoulder and made her walk with him out of her room and down the stairs

"i thought it'll be good for me to pick you up since we never go to school together" jaemin said calmly. even though she finally knows jaemin's real intentions now which is to change for the better, she still can't help but get flustered at any sweet actions he made for her so here she is with her face flushed red as well as her heart racing fast

"i think you're bad for me"
"huh? why?" nabi stopped in her tracks before picking his arm off of her shoulder,
"my heart's racing too fast and i'm scared i'll die soon since my heart beats slow" nabi joked

but to jaemin it didn't seem like a joke,
"wait are you serious? wh-" "it's a joke jaemin" nabi rolled her eyes playfully before leaving the panic man alone and went to the kitchen where her parents are

"goodmorning parents"
"morning dear, where's jaemin?" her mom greeted nabi as she served her husband his breakfast and just as nabi was about to reply, another voice showed up

"i'm right here" jaemin gave his in laws a warm smile before turning to nabi, "you haven't had breakfast right? you should eat" the two parents couldn't help but coo at the adorable sight in front of them

nabi shook her head lightly, "i'll just drink some milk, i can't eat much in the morning" jaemin nods and waited for the girl as she went to the fridge to grab her milk.

then they both bid goodbye to the two older people eating before leaving the house. "did you drive here?" nabi questions when she saw a familiar car parked in front of her house.

jaemin only gave her a charming grin before pulling out his car keys and clicked the button to unlock the doors, nabi went over to the passenger's seat but jaemin beat her to it

"i'll do it" jaemin softly said before opening the door and guided nabi in with his left hand covering her head so it wouldn't hit the car as she went in. then he closed the door and made his way over to the other door and went in

as soon as he sat down, he leaned forward towards nabi's direction and grab the seatbelt - not caring at how close their gap is and buckled nabi's belt on. "safety first" jaemin grinned as he ruffled a frozen nabi's hair

"beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep"

"are you okay?" the grin immediately left jaemin's face and was replaced with a worried one when he heard nabi's watch beep rapidly. nabi's mouth gaped open as she shook her head frantically

"i'm okay... it's just that uhh.. ʸᵒᵘ'ʳᵉ ᵇᵉᶦⁿᵍ ᵗᵒ ˢʷᵉᵉᵗ" nabi murmured the last sentence but jaemin heard it so he let out a warm laugh before pinching nabi's cheek

"you're seriously too cute nabi"

"beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep"

"beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep"

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nabi's gonna die soon bcs of jaemin. mark my words people.

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