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waddup skidipapap. nana is seriously ethereal like wtf. i feel like my phone has been blessed by receiving this photo 👁👄👁

saeron closed the gates to her house and as she turned around, she was shocked to see a figure standing not far from her

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saeron closed the gates to her house and as she turned around, she was shocked to see a figure standing not far from her.

the woman greeted her with a smile that saeron felt wasn't heartwarming as it seems. "good morning, choo saeron" saeron bowed down as a sign of respect

"good morning mrs. zhong" she couldn't lie the fact she's intimidated by her presence hence why saeron's fiddling with her fingers as she stood awkwardly

"since it's still early in the morning, and..." she checks her watch before continuing her words, "school won't start in an hour, i'm sure you won't mind going a bit later yes?"

"i-" "i have a few gifts for you and i hope you'll accept it wholeheartedly" mrs. zhong gestured at the few items behind her which saeron was surprised that she didn't notice it earlier

"open your gates dear" then mrs. zhong motioned the men behind her to start unloading the items into her house and saeron knew she can't decline so she just stayed silent and opened her gates quickly

all the men came inside as well as mrs. zhong, saeron followed behind her nervously. "a student of cheondae high mustn't live in a place like this, so please just accept it"

saeron was bewildered at her words, she felt offended. yes, she is a scholarship student because she doesn't come from a well off family - not to mention, both of her parents are dead already, she's not ashamed that she's not rich and she still has her pride that's why she works and studies hard so she can earn money and go to a good university

"you work a part-time job right? since you live alone.."
"how.. do you know about that?" mrs. zhong's lips tugged upwards as she calmly replied, "chenle told me"

"chen-" "chenle.. already has a lot on his plate right now, including our company's image" saeron slowly looked down as she knows what's she meant by her words

mrs. zhong smirked a little for opening her purse and pulled out a card, her business card. "here, if you need anything else, feel free call this number"

saeron stared at the card she's holding out and shook her head, "i appreciate your concern but i can't accept it"

mrs. zhong lightly chortled before nudging the card, "just take the card before i change my mind" since saeron knows the woman won't leave without her accepting the card, she decided to just take it

"you see.." mrs. zhong paused before grinning wickedly, "there are times where you should swallow your pride" the grin quickly left her face before looking up and down at saeron and motioned her men to follow her, "until we meet again, choo saeron"

saeron's eyes followed the woman's figure and rolled her eyes. "i'm not that desperate" saeron cursed mentally as she looked around in frustration at the newly gifted  items until her eyes landed on a certain item


chenle was startled when he heard the lounge's door got slammed open. he was all alone since the rest were nowhere to be seen. his eyes followed the footsteps that neared him until he looked upwards to see saeron with an annoyed face

"what brings yo-" "here" saeron held out a big paper bag filled with the shoes that chenle gave her. chenle slowly took the bag and peeked inside, he snorted when he saw what was inside

"i enjoyed playing cinderella thanks to you" "cinderella?"

saeron took a deep breath before saying, "the fancy dress, sparkly shoes, the extravagant carriage... they all turn normal by midnight"

saeron gave him a small smile before quickly changing it into a cold look, "goodbye zhong chenle"



the annual sports day of cheondae high's finally came. all students began to prepare the needed items for the competitions, the fields, the prizes, snacks and beverages, etc.

each class wore their class' shirt which will differentiate each of those classes. nabi's class made a pink class tee, the boys disagreed at first but they can't win the girls so in the end, they agreed

the students had fun preparing for the event but one person is struggling alone. "shouldn't i at least wear a t shirt? it's really hot" doyoung said as he fanned his self

he's stuck in the kitchen to prepare the snacks and drinks for the students earlier, sadly in this world - he's the only chef working there. he has many times complained to the writer but was ignored

"i know this is a comic book but is there no scene about studying?! this is a high school. aren't you being unrealistic writer-nim?" doyoung had one hand akimbo as the other stretched out towards the ceiling - referring to the writer

then he cursed out of frustration before continuing to prepare the snacks


the loud noise came back and suddenly nabi is standing on the field with jaemin beside her. she felt his arm on her shoulder as well as her arm around his waist. she looks down to see her right foot tied to his left foot

'damnit i never volunteered for the three-leg race. writer son of a bi-'

"are you sure you want to join this nabi?" nabi snapped out of her thoughts when mr. yoon approached her. she gave him a smile as she nodded her head, "i have jaemin with me"

she looks up to look at the male who's already looking at her with a small smile. "ah~ young love" mr. yoon chuckled before leaving the two

nabi felt like puking at her words that sounded so cheesy but she can't. the race then started and the contestants started to walk towards the finish line

it wasn't easy for anyone since you need to move your tied legs at the same time. nabi struggled a few times and her left foot stumbled and her shoe fell off which made nabi struggle even more since her left foot is at a different height with her other leg

(a/n: does that even make sense? ugh)

nabi struggled a few times until she fell to the ground with her hands supporting her weight. jaemin sighed heavily and didn't even bother to help the girl. nabi's heart suddenly hurt and her watch beeped rapidly

of course, that made jaemin even more annoyed. nabi tried to calm herself as she stared at her heartbeat monitored on her watch, jaemin had enough so he bent down and untied their legs and left the girl. nabi felt tears coming as she felt very pathetic

the loud noise came back and nabi can move freely, indicating her stage is over. nabi tried to hold back all of her tears as she looked down, she felt stares around her and she was very embarrassed

she heard footsteps approaching her but she ignored it. the footsteps stopped behind her and she suddenly felt her body being pulled up and straight into a chest.

 the footsteps stopped behind her and she suddenly felt her body being pulled up and straight into a chest

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