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don't come at me for what's going to happen here okay 😔

nabi closed her eyes when she felt herself falling but somehow she didn't feel her body touching the ground, she only felt two arms gripping each side of her waist and one of her hands gripped the person's shoulder

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nabi closed her eyes when she felt herself falling but somehow she didn't feel her body touching the ground, she only felt two arms gripping each side of her waist and one of her hands gripped the person's shoulder.

nabi opened her eyes slowly to see the person staring right back at her with his brows furrowed. nabi's heartbeat just got a lot faster which she thought she wasn't capable of

"can't you be more careful?" he muttered before gently getting the girl back on the ground. even though she's all safe and sound on the ground, their hands never left each other

when nabi felt like it was getting awkward, she released her hand from his shoulder and backed away making his grip on her also released. she cleared her throat before saying, "thank you jaemin"

the said boy gave no reply and only grabbed the medicine box from nabi's hands. "sit on the bed" nabi stood still for a second - trying to process his words. jaemin sighed at the frozen girl before grabbing her shoulders and made her sit on the bed

then he kneeled in front of her, he opened the box and take out all of the necessities. nabi only stare at the male in front of her who's busily treating her wound. nabi tried to contain the pain from the ointment but jaemin noticed it so he started to press it gently.

after applying the ointment, jaemin put the bandaid over it. he then stood up from his kneeling position. nabi stood up from the bed and contemplated on what to say to the male. when he saw jaemin was going to place the box on the top shelf she stopped him

"i can't reach it, what if i fell again.." nabi's voice trailed off from embarrassment, jaemin stopped his actions and placed it on the table under the shelf. then he turned around as he shoves his hands into his pockets

"t-thanks jaemin" he didn't reply and only looked at her bandaid knee again before saying, "you're fine now right? i'm leaving" nabi didn't get the chance to reply since he already left the infirmary

nabi sighed before clutching her chest, "why did it beat so rapidly?" she mumbled to herself before realizing something

the loud noise didn't come, doesn't that mean that wasn't a stage?



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