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"still don't know who's it from?" nabi shook her head as she huffed out a sigh. "we'll find him soon" dohee tried to cheer up the girl beside her.

"wait him? are we even sure it's a he?" dohee's face turned into a frown - disappointed with her friend's question,

"i thought we've established that no girl can ca-" "yAH DON'T DISCRIMINATE GIRL POWER, YOU'RE A GIRL DOHEE"

dohee shut her ears from her loud best friend before agreeing with her monotonously, "yeayea i'm sorry now shut up" nabi flicked her friend's forehead which made dohee winced. "that's what you get"

then the loud noise struck again,

nabi and dohee are now in the canteen

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nabi and dohee are now in the canteen. "what are you getting?" dohee nudged the girl beside her, nabi hummed as she thinks before finally deciding on what she's getting

"strawberry milk it is"
"okay then, let's get them bad boys" nabi nodded before they started to walk towards the vending machine. all was at peace until a girl screamed.


havoc washed upon the school as the female students rushed towards the handsome boys making dohee and nabi separated and pushed back.

"o-ow watch w-where you're g-going" nabi struggled to push the other girls away as she kept moving backwards until a girl pushed her too hard and she fell to the fountain

and of course, no one cared

the female students followed the handsome boys until they stopped in front of the vending machine. the female students tried to give them their lunch, some were accepted some were ignored

"what are you getting chenle-ah?" jisung asked the boy beside him as the said boy scanned the vending machine.

"hurry up lele, the girls' are annoying" donghyuck sighed as tried to not stumble from the girls pressing their bodies towards him

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