Airport Bar

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Yejin POV

I turned my head and held myself to droll. A tall man, very gorgeous even in his messy hair and casual outfit, a bit muscular like a model figure.
I was trying to keep my cool but couldn't help to respond to his punch, so.

"Are you talking to me?"
"Who else would it be? When will your flight be? Where are your squad?"
"Too many questions for a punchline. What are you? A journalist?"
"I am. I don't know you can read minds too."
"Really?" I turned my head to him, lifting up one brow.
"Surprise me." He smiled.
A very gorgeous dimple smile. Interesting.

"Well, my flight will be at 11 pm. You?"
"Same. Maybe I'm one of your passengers. Where are your girl squad?"
"Not here, I am alone. How do you know I'm a cabin crew?"
"Easy. Your suitcase."

Oh yes, we had to use the company's suitcase.
He bent down. "Miss Son Yejin?" Reading my luggage name tag.
"Why are you here this early?" He asked
"I should ask you the same question. Are you in a connecting flight?"
"I'm doing some research here. You haven't answered my question."
"I'm waiting for someone but he can't make it. I've got nothing to do at my flat, and I'm a little bit anxious about the upcoming flight, I need to chill. There you go, my answers."

"A boyfriend?"
"What if I say yes? Will you be disappointed?"
"A little bit. But he can't make it anyway, and I am here, so.."
"Just a bit?
"You're such a tease."
"Who's flirting? Come here, this seat is free, my lover can't make it." I patted on a stool beside me.

"A lover, then."
"It's complicated, no official status. It's hard to date someone from this industry. Rarely meet, only daily text messages and I can't date a phone. You may date if you only do short domestic routes. But I do the long and longest haul flights."

"Isn't it forbidden to date your fellow cabin crew?"
"He is not. He is a pilot from another airline, the Korean Air. I used to be part of them. Got caught. They kicked me out, then here I am with Airfox."
"Only for being caught dating? So you know both the working environment between Korean Air and Airfox, then. Tell me."

"Well, a lady with a position at the head office liked him so, you know. Everything was great in Korean Air, I like their work ethic. The salary is slightly better at Airfox. But they positioned us flight attendants as part of the cabin crews who not only to ensure the safety and comfort of our passengers but to entertain them as well."

"I got countless sexual harassment on board and the company ignored my complaints every single time. My seniors advised me to hang on as long as they don't push me to do an encounter or touch more than just a slap in the ass, just to save my career. But I hate it when they took pictures without my consent."

"Wow. Really? Airfox has ignored these kinds of complaints?"
"Yes. One finally being responded with being grounded for a couple of months. We were paid when we fly so being grounded means not being paid."

"That is so low for a big airline company like Airfox. Had any of you ever told the media?"
"How I wish. Nobody has the gut too. Would be tough to prove."
"I wish you don't have to go through that again, or further than that."
"That's very kind of you.."

"Anyway, are you going to serve along with the aircraft? Or just some part of it?"
"I'll serve the front business class. What's your seat number?"
He showed his boarding pass.

"This is the back section of the business class."
"Will you pass by me? pretend to get something from the back section?"
"Hahaha...I'll try. But I won't kneel in front of you and ask what do you want for breakfast, babe."
"Don't worry, you can ask me what do I want for dinner later. And ask for my breakfast the next day."

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