Take (me) Out

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Yejin POV

Hyun Bin told me he got Time SK, owned it, to be exact, with excitement over the phone.

"Let's celebrate when you're here, baby!"

"Sure sure. You already know my schedule, don't you?"

"I do. See you, babe."

At my arrival night in Seoul, I texted him.

I've landed, heading to Fraser now. Are you home?

Two hours passed and he still didn't reply me back. It was late at night but I missed him, so I decided to go up to his penthouse level.

I didn't ring the bell but directly tapped the card and got in. He wasn't there. I called him but no answered. I decided to wait for him, lie down on the couch while straightening my sore feet from ten hours working wearing high heels.

I fell asleep.

When I woke up, I was no longer on the couch but have been moved to the bed. He must be carried me last night. I saw him on the balcony, reading the newspaper and sipping his cup.

"Babe, you're awake. Good morning."
"You came home late."
"Yes, I was drowning in work. I totally forgot your schedule."

"Do you usually come home that late?"
"Yes. No wife's waiting for me at home, so I work or hang out with friends."
"I'm here now."

"Then I guess I'll come home early then." He smiled.
"Can you take a day off?"

"Babe I got much workload in the process of this transition. I changed some policies in the office. Fieldwork suite me better but I need to get those done. Sorry, I can't take a day off, not today."

"Oh. I'll catch up with my old friends then. See you later tonight."

He didn't text or call me. I texted him at lunchtime to remind him of having his lunch on time, but no reply back from him.

He has changed. He no longer chased me over like before. He accepted what I offered, date, dinner, sex, but no longer made the first move of asking me. He sees me regularly when I was in Seoul, but no longer made the effort to follow me back to Dubai. He gave me the space I wanted, but too much! It has been going over a month, and I started to feel worried.

One day, I texted him telling him that I have arrived in Seoul and asked whether he wants to have lunch together, but no immediate answer.

Around 5 hours after lunch, he texted me
Sorry, somethings coming up, we're the first responder on the latest news on an attack towards an assemblyman. I had my lunch thou.

Are we going to have dinner together?

Yes. Give me some time more and wait for me at home.

I decided to make my own move and proved to myself, what really distracted him, work or another?

I bought take out dinners and went to his office. A front desk lady greeted me.

"Can we help you, Ma'am?"

"I have an appointment with Mr. Hyun Bin."

"Wait for a moment, I'll check on with his secretary. And you are..?"

"Hyun Yejin."

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