One Night in January

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Hyun Bin POV

Lingered on my mind was my father's words upon his contriteness on my mother's death.

You should always leave loved ones with loving words, it may be the last time you see them

I was tired and anxious. Sitting on this comfortable private jet on our way to Dubai was felt like the longest journey I ever had. Even harder than any journey, I had on the battle zone.

Our? Yes, beside me sitting was my pain in the ass ex-boss, Jisub. It's Haerim who insisted that someone has to go with me. Normally it would be him, and it was him too. I made peace with myself that he was going not only to be my net if anything goes wrong, but to work on the news too, and will be followed by our correspondents the next day.

I didn't talk much to Jisub, but he looked genuinely worried and care, fed me hourly updated from his source on the SAR team. Reminding me to drink and eat in our ten hours journey. I only responded thanks and nothing else. I was even afraid to ask a question, have they found her?

I watched live streaming news, displayed on the screen was a list of passenger and cabin crew names and their latest status. Most of the passengers and cabin crews have been found alive and so far there were no fatalities reported.

I crumbled reading the few lists of names of them who haven't been found yet.


9. Hyun Yejin (cabin crew-FA) citizenship: South Korea


Soon after we were landed, we were picked up by Airfox ground staff and transferred to the chopper, heading to USS George Washington, where the rescue operation was centered. That giant aircraft carrier was the first responder of the accident.

I was immediately looking out for her among the newly rescued passengers.

And there she was.

Wrapped in a bulky warmer blanket. Alive.

I rushed her to the helicopter with three other passengers, all children. Leaving Jisub on the big ship to continue his job reporting. We brought them to the pointed hospital.

Her body temperature was low, cold after hours floating on the open sea. She was among the last five passengers rescued. She was unable to utter any words, but managed to smiled at me before slowly closed her eyes, exhausted.

Coincidentally, doctor Jeong Hoon was one of the ER doctors on duty. I relieved there was one face I knew, and Yejin was in good hands.

Transferred to the VIP treatment room, finally, I have her for my self, on her own bed. I was exhausted too. That room has an extra bed, so I lie down there and made a call to Haerim, thanked her for her quick response, and asked her to pass the news to my father.

I also thanked Jisub for his companion, and sent him back to Seoul, to take care of the office. Once in a while, I still felt awkward to have a conversation with him, but he showed good manners and professionalism, I had no reason to act childish to keep bringing up the Libya problem. Case closed.

Yejin POV

Five days inpatient, I was getting better each day. Bin stayed with me the whole time, only left for buying some necessities and picking up his meals from restaurant delivery services in the lobby. When I asked him how's work than that he stayed with me, he joked that

"What's the point of buying the company if I got to come to the office every day? I told you, I can work from anywhere, literally."

Not that I didn't like him being around, I liked it very much. But he often gets busy with his laptop and cellphone. I didn't complain though. I was happy that he still prioritized me over others. He was very protective though, he didn't let any press come and see me for an interview.

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