Slow Down Babe

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Yejin POV

My cardigan was no longer covering my skin. I was regretting and feeling grateful at the same time I chose to take and wore this chemise instead of my oversized T-shirt that I left behind at the Ritz. The moment Bin saw me in nothing but this thin garment, he can no longer hold himself and finally asked me permission to touch me.

I mean, for how long were we going to play this push-pull seduction game?

As Bin's lips were deepening the kiss on my lips, his hand slowly traveled from my cheek down to my shoulder.

My fingers instinctively unbuttoned the top two, three of his shirt as he fiddled with the strap of my chemise.

Was he going to pull it off? My heart thumped so fast. I couldn't focus. Inside my heart, there was a battle between giving up myself to him right there or holding on to my principle to wait until the wedding day comes.

His tongue brushed my lips and I gave him permission to invade in. He licked it, then withdrew...licked in...withdrew. That drove me crazy.

I let out a whimper and put my arms around his shoulder, to avoid his fingers from pulling down my chemise's straps.

But his hand quickly slide down to my waist but then slowly traveled down until it reaches my thigh. With me straddling on his lap, the hem of my chemise was pulled up exposing my ass cheek. His naughty fingers slid under and found the sideband of my thong, fiddling on it.

His kisses went wilder down to my neck. Up again to my earlobe and licking it. His other hand went up from my waist to my shoulder. Slowly his touch went down to the side of my still covered bosoms and caressed it with his thumb.

I kept both of my hands around his shoulder as doubt still held me from giving away completely. I didn't want him to go that far, yet. But I couldn't help to taste his kiss and burning touches on my skin.

I was a teenager trapped in an adult woman's body. And in front of me, was a hot guy with lust on his eyes.

He kept seducing me with his kiss, as it went further from my neck down to the upper part of my exposed bosoms. Up again, teasing me as his breath went heavier and my whimpers were getting louder.

The rush of feeling him between my legs was unbearable. He lifted my ass and as I was reading what's on his mind, I knelt up with him between my thigh. His fingers were going under the side of my thong and slowly proceeded to pull it down as far as it could through my thighs and stopped at just above my knee.

His hand caressed my thighs and brushed off the pelvic area below my belly. I almost lost it. I was never being touched down there.

He was getting impatient as he forcefully pulled down one of my hand from his shoulder and one strap of my chemise finally fell off, exposing almost the whole part of my bosom.

At that point, a small part of me suddenly awoke and I quickly held the fabric from falling down, blocking him from the sight of my nipple.

Then he stopped. The sudden movement of me covering my lower part of my bosoms had him startled.

He looked into my eyes, searching for a clue whether to stop or to proceed.

I didn't say a thing but fixed my eyes on him.

But then he pulled up the band of my thong back to my waist.

"I'm sorry. It crossed my mind that you'll give in as my birthday present. But this is not our time yet. I shall wait for you."

"Bin...please wait for me, wait for your present."

"Hang in there, Yejin. Stay with me. I'll marry you, and claimed this present of mine."

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