Midnight Mood

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Yejin POV

The Armani spa was amazing. I felt so much relaxed after the warm flower bath. I changed my clothes into a clean long shirt and a knee-length skirt. Time to go home!

Or not.

I held Bin's room access card for minutes in front of his door. I wasn't sure should I spend the night here with him?

I've been craving for his touch, I've been missing our intimacy, I fantasized our steamy love nights whenever I was lonely and feeling blue. No man ever made me that flustered, indeed he's the first man I ever tasted, and I've been aching for something I never knew before him. Touching my self only brought me to deeper into the longing.

He was just behind this door. I was scared that if I give up my self easily, he will not take me seriously again, easily leave me again over someone or something else. But the pampering surprise from him has successfully put my mood on.

He flew thousands of miles following me here, has been trying to impress me, begging for my apologies, declaring his love, again and again, treating me like I was the most precious woman in his life.

Ah, fuck. Let's enjoy what we have. Let's see where this will bring us.

I opened the door. There he was on the bed...


Oh, dear. He must be really tired and then fallen asleep on his chest like that. He was still in the same clothes from the last dinner. He even still wore his shoes.

I smiled looking at him. This view was like what I used to see when we still live together for a brief time. I approached him and decided to do what I used to do, helped him taking off his shoes and coat so he would be more comfortable resting.

Slowly I took off his shoes and socks and pulled off his coat. I set the room light darker and made sure the blind was entirely closed.

My focus turned into his suitcase. I opened it and found his clothes, take one comfortable T-shirt.

He stirred and changed his sleeping position on his back. In the middle of unbuttoning his shirt, I stopped. I saw his bare chest and gulped. He might wake up and get the wrong idea. But...I wanted to help him change just like what he to me that he likes it.

My fingers proceeded until the last button. I scooted closer and lifted his shoulders, so I can take off the shirt. I felt him stirred and saw his eyes slowly opened.

"I'll help you change. I'm sorry for disturbing your sleep. Come I'll help you put your T-shirt on."

He wasn't fully awake, but managed to say,
"No t-shirt."

"Alright. I'll take off your pants, then I'll leave with cab, okay?"

He didn't answer. I unbuckled his belt and jeans, then pulled it off, leaving him only on his boxer shorts. I pulled the blanket to cover his body and turned around.

I felt a hand gripping the edge of my skirt.

"Stay. Please."

"It's late. I have to go back." I answered without turning my back.

"You don't have to. Please, stay here with me. Or just give me fifteen minutes more, then I'll get up and take you."

"You're too tired. I can get a cab downstairs."

"No, it's dangerous for such a pretty lady like you to take a cab alone this late. Please."


I sat beside him and leaning on the headboard. He snuggled his face on my side waist and circled his hands around my waist, continuing his sleep.

I peeked on his back remembering his story that his back was wounded. I saw long stitches across his shoulder blades. It wasn't there four months ago. I also saw more new stitches along his left arm. I knew his torso and has suffered some wounds before and I could see them all craved on his skin. I traced them lightly with my fingers and whispered my prayers. Only God knows how much I love this man.

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