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Yejin POV

This feeling I felt toward Hyun Bin was confusing and exciting at the same time. I haven't confessed anything to him, I was unsure about my own heart. On the contrary, he kept stating and showing his interest in me, even flirting in that naughty ways I secretly like so much, but that's it, not asking for more specific status of a relationship. Not even dared to touch me more than that time at the balcony just before the hotel staff ruins our moment with his breakfast trolley.

After a long conversation about his plan to uncover Airfox flight attendant sexual harassment case to the public through Time, I finally agreed to jump in, anonymously. I also promised him back to start applying to other airlines outside the country, for my own good.

As promised before, Hyun Bin walked me back to my room. I pressed the bell waiting for Jihye to open the door instead of unlocking it by myself, avoiding unwanted surprising scenes, you know.

After one minute without any response, I quickly open it up. Jihye wasn't there. Her belongings also weren't there. Last night I left my phone in this room inside the nightstand drawer. I opened the drawer and found my phone, quickly scanning for any message from Jihye.

Yejin I'm sorry for leaving you there. I flew back to Seoul on the first flight available. Now I'm at the airport. I was stripped off in front of the Airfox and their guests, but I managed to run away. I'll be at my parent's house. I hope you're safe with him. Don't fly back without him.

I was shocked. I showed Bin her message.
"When will your flight back be?" He asked.
"Tomorrow night. You?"
"I haven't bought one. But I'll check out from this hotel this noon."
"Where are you going?"
"I have a scheduled meeting with someone, my other source who has gathered information from the aviation authorization office. I also have a report to my office."

"But where will you stay? Can't you just stay here?"
"It will be better if we weren't seen together."
"Can't we just stay together? I'm scared."

He smiled at me and tugged my hair behind my ear.
"How if you stick around with your friends for a while? I need to work. I'll let you know where I stay."

"But I'm going to fly back tomorrow night and I'm scared to be in the same cabin with those perverts. Can you fly back with me?" I almost crying.

"I'll see what I can do. Stay safe, Yejin. Goodbye."

Then he walked out of my room. With the Jihye situation, I felt the urge to stay with him. Somehow he made me feel safe, but I could feel his hesitation to be with me, even after his steamy seduction towards me at the balcony. He got me confused.

I was sad and scared. I decided to call the headquarter office, asking for the possibility to reschedule my flight back earlier or even postpone it, to avoid being in the same aircraft with Man Seok and his guests. I also asked whether Jihye already told them about calling in sick and has already flown back on her own.

They answered that Jihye has informed them and has asked for emergency leave for a week. But upon my request, they stated that they will ask Man Seok first because I was one of the "specifically requested crews" for that flight. Damn it. That would result in Man Seok coming to check me out.

I decided to take a bath and rethink about my way to escape later. Around 20 minutes later, I wrapped my body with the towel and came out of the bathroom but I saw Man Seok was inside my room, standing facing out the balcony.
I quickly turned back inside and wore my bathrobe.

"What the hell are you doing inside my room? Get out!" I boiled in anger.

He turned his face to me and said, "Your room? Airfox paid for this room. I have the keys to all of your room."

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