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Yejin POV

"If it wasn't even a sex tape, then why are panicked? That was only you making out with that pilot, like kissing and well, he groped you, but you're fully clothed, in a Korean Air flight attendant uniform, not Airfox!" Haerim asked me.

"My face was on it, it's a CCTV footage when I was working for Korean Air. I'm afraid the leaker will also leak my name. My face can be seen from the camera but my ex was in front of me and facing me so it only recorded his backside."

"Then how do viewers know that it was a Korean Air pilot and the female in the flight attendant uniform were you? Most CCTV footage has bad quality in resolutions."

"Even though my face may not look clear, the headline still written as Airfox flight attendant and Korean Air pilot, even though I was dressed in a Korean Air's uniform. Pilot's uniforms are quite similar from one airline to another.  Anyone who leaked it must know my identity."

"Make sense. It's a matter of time that your name will be spread. Can you connect me to that boss of Bin... Jisub?"

"Yes, I have his cell phone number."

Haerim put her phone on the loudspeaker.

"Mr. Jisub? It's Kim Haerim from Airfox."

"Airfox? What do you want? Who are you this time? Another new paralegal, huh? Did you miss your class in college that you can't sue us for writing a fact?"

"You better look up for my name in google before opening that mouth of yours."

In the middle of this chaos, I can still giggle listening to them.

There was a 15 seconds pause before Jisub finally said, "Ah, good afternoon, Airfox lady boss. Is this related to Mrs. Hyun?"

"I'm still pissed off you wrote about us but let's put it aside for a while. Can you help us with that? Who leaked the video? Are you also going to write about it? Scandals are your thing."

"CNN Asia was the first to air it. We don't release it on our website on purpose, as she is the spouse of my employee. What are you implying and why do you want to know who leaked it?"

"Mrs. Hyun is part of the family, the possibility to hurt us with that was strongly viable. She is a wreck now thanks to you for sending my stepbrother over the continent to write about some wrecked hospitals!"

"Mr. Hyun was the one who begged to be sent there. He just got his wife back and even my self can't believe it. What did you do this time that he desperately wanted to join the team to Libya?"


"I have nothing to do with Libya. Now, what can you help me with that video?"

"It's already leaked. You better pay some IT experts to take it down, but some may already have it. Have you watched it? Her face was pretty recognizable for someone who may have known her."

"Alright, can you help me to connect with someone from the Ministry of Information and Communication? You must know someone there."

"I know, but I'm not sure he's willing to help. It's a common public matter, not a national scandal."

"Watch me. I don't take rejection."

Haerim was someone you can't ignore. Haerim and her cunning trick. She reached out for her employees about Airfox's bribe lists. Once Airfox had closed the deal with someone from that ministry to move the flight preferences for business trips from Korean Air to Airfox with a sex bribe, and she was using that in a way.

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