Plans and Promises

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Hyun Bin POV

"Dad, miss Kang, Haerim, this is my wife, Yejin." I lightly patted Yejin's back as I introduced her to them.

"It's been a long time but why can't you call me Mom or Mrs. Kim?" Haerim's mother made a comment to me, then looked at Yejin, "Nice to see you, I see you really fit an ideal flight attendant for Airfox, such an attractive girl. How long have you been working for us?"

"Don't listen to her, honey," Working for us? I can felt a slight insult in her words.

"Thank you, Ma'am. I've been a part of Airfox for three years." She politely answered

Yejin smiled and bowed to the three.
"Nice to meet you, Mrs. Hyun," Haerim smiled to her.

"Bin.." My father looked at me narrowly. He knew I dropped the Kim name but he still won't accept it, like ever.

"Well, shall we eat? The chef had prepared the dinner, do you have any allergic, Mrs. Hyun?" Haerim asked.

"No, I'm good at everything. Thank you. Please call me Yejin," she sensed the uncomfortable waves in the air from my father.

"Shall we?"

My father's wife-Miss Kang didn't talk much. My father was stiff at the start but slowly become more chatty as the talkative Haerim kept breaking the tension between me and my father. Yejin was trying to balance me by answering Haerim's or my father's questions whenever she sensed me being reluctant. She was a nice companion.
They didn't ask much about her but I was sure they have done research on her background.

After dinner was done, we left the table for wine, but Yejin excused herself as she had to take an incoming call on her cellphone.

They were using that chance to interrogate me about her.

"Really, Bin? Can't you find someone better? someone less scandalous. She has a sex tape with a Korean Air pilot!" Miss Kang made a comment towards Yejin.

"You and your trash mouth. Don't open your mouth before knowing the truth. It was not a sex tape! Watch your words. She is my wife."

"For how many days more?"

"Enough, honey! Can't you two stay in the same room without spatting each other? You aren't kids anymore. My wife, we just got him back for an hour, why you already have to restart the war with your son?" my father cut her off.

"Sorry honey, but a few corrections. You got him back not we. I never wanted him back. And he is a stepson."

Miss Kang left us and approaching a maid asking for some wine selection. I put both my hands on my face and let out a long exhale. I was here for my father not his wife.

"How are you, Dad?"

"Comfortable, son. She is a lovely lady, miss Yejin."

"Please address her as my wife. She is Mrs."

"Son, are you sure, about her? She has a quite history."

"It's ironic Dad, Airfox is scandalous enough until I decided to uncover it." I chuckled.

"Hyun Bin my son, why do you hate it so much, Airfox?"

"I saw how Mom and you built it. But your new wife brought so many dirty practices in."

"Sometimes we have to do unpleasant things to keep the business running. I know you may not want to involve in Airfox but this is my legacy. When the time comes, you will inherit Airfox. I have a will, kept by my lawyer, I have made sure that you will have the majority shares, then followed by Haerim. At least that's what I can do, I have promised your mother that."

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