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Yejin POV

I redid my make up in the cabin crew's lounge. Jihye came and greeted me, "Yejin, nice to see you. I hope everything will be alright. This is almost midnight."

"Ye, Jihye, if we refer to the same thing, those men probably will fall asleep as the plane started to cruise. Hang on, girl!"

"It's 13 hours long. A lot can happen in 13 hours." Jihye looked terrified.

"What else can we do, Jihye? Are you suggesting to withdraw ourselves from this flight this last minute and lose this job?"

"No. I'm just worried, Yejin. They kicked Minjung out and replace her with me because she is married. I can't find the logic in it."

I smiled weakly.

"Hey, why you didn't use the company car with the rest of us to get here?"

"Oh, I already here since 1 PM. I supposed to meet Seok Woo but he didn't make it."

"Then what did you do for the last 9 hours?"

"I met someone, drop-dead gorgeous. Totally my type. We spent 9 hours back together."

"Is he a pilot from another airline? How can he spend a long time here?"

"No, he is a passenger. He will go on board with us. He will sit in the business class, back section. You can guess which one is him from there. You will do the back section, won't you?"

"Yeah...A passenger, waiting 10 hours for his flight? Wow."

"Yeah, he is a Time journalist, he was supposed to work at the time but I thought he can't help to push his luck to have a date with me so," I grinned.

"Love is in the air, I see..how about Seok Woo?"

"Seok Woo? Who is he? Oh, my long-forgotten lover." I rolled my eyes.

"Yejiiin! You finally move on!" She pinched my arm lightly.

Hyun Bin POV

"Miss, can I use the toilet in the front section?" I asked the flight attendant who walked pass my isle.

"Sure, but please don't pass further, Sir."
"Thanks," I sat up and pretended to queue in front of the toilet that I was mentioned.

I hoped to see Yejin, but couldn't find her.

"It's not vacant, Sir, you can use it," her soft voice startled me from behind while pushing the toilet door next to me.

"Eergh...I thought you'll be in this isle. I was looking for you."

"Ssssh! I just came back from the first class to deliver something." she put her index finger on my lips.

Wow. I want to kiss it.

"Go finish your thing inside!" She pushed me to the toilet.

During my trip back to my seat, I walked slowly and took a look around who was sitting in the front section of the business cabin. I knew most of their faces, they were government officials from a ministry who hold responsibility for aviation transportation. And the rest of them looked like officers from internal Airfox. All men. There was one empty seat in this cabin section.

Just when I was about to leave the front section, I heard a light slap and a chuckled, followed by a woman voice, one of the flight attendants, murmured, "I'm sorry Sir, I have to warn you, please. We can't provide your request."
She looked a bit younger than Yejin. Her face looks terrified and tense while talking to her passenger.

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