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Hyun Bin POV

"Both of you stop! Why can't you talk like adults? What the hell is happening?"
Yejin was standing not far from us, clearly annoyed with her discovery.

"Yejin, I'll come to you later. I need to tell you something." Jisub talks to her in a softened tone.

"Over my dead body!" I pushed his shoulder.

"I love you, Yejin."

I launched his fist to his face again.

"What the hell?! You're married, Mr. Jisub! No no no, not now, okay? Please, get out of here!" Yejin looks disgusted.

I punched him again and he fell off on the ground.

"Both you, fuck off! I don't care! Like there is no man left in the world!"

"Babe!" I chased her and caught her arm.

"Get your business done with him, then we'll talk! Mr. Jisub was nothing but nice to me when you're busy looking out for...who's her name? Yura? Yuki?"

"It's Yumi."

"Yeah, whatever! Get off me, Bin!"

I let her hand go. She wanted her space.

Yejin will always be Yejin. Always run away when something doesn't go as her wish. She didn't have many friends here. I didn't know where to start, but to look for that doctor. I went to the hospital where I was taken a week ago.

"Doctor Jeong Hoon is in the ER. Just ask the nurse there. Are you a patient?"

"Yes. I need him to check on my stitches from a week ago."

The nurse took me to the ER, and admit me as a new patient. She asked me to wait in the other room as checking out stitches isn't something emergency. Twenty minutes waiting then he came inside the room.

"Well hello, Mr. Hyun. What brings you here? It's written that you're asking for checking out stitches, any problem with your wound?" he read his tab then looked at me.

"Sorry. I need to find Yejin. Did she reach out for you?"

"What's going on this time? Lift your shirt up, please."

"My wounds are good, thanks. Please tell me."

"You're a lucky man, Mr. Hyun. She told me what happened between you and her months ago. Even in that state of marriage, Yejin clearly drew the line that she is a married woman, avoiding us to go further than friends. Don't get me wrong, most women in that state tend to look for a rebound, but not your wife, she loves you. I thought that man, the guy from a magazine...I forgot his name, once I made a comment that he was a bit too attentive, but Yejin always says that she is married and not a chance for another guy to replace her husband. Some pilots from her work also tried their luck but she is a truly devoted wife. "

"Oh. Good to know that. Thank you for being a good friend to her. But can you tell me where is she now? I need to see her."

"She was here, but she's going somewhere now, said that she wants some space. She's going to see you later when she has made up her mind. Does she know where you stay here?"

"Yes, she does. Thank you, doctor. I appreciate this."

He smiled back at me, but I can see a glimpse of hurt in his eyes. He was a good catch even if Yejin wants to dump me and find a new man, but I never thought that her heart remained wedded. That fact made me want to do my best to win her back.

I decided to go back to my hotel, gathering information from Seoul, while waiting for her.
Jihoon called me. He got a piece of information from an editor that South Korea Time's editor in chief, Jisub, is going to release a story about Kim Byunghun's past.

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