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Hyun Bin POV

Seoul, five days ago

"Bin, I think I know who did it." Haerim reluctantly said.

"What do you mean?"

"My mom...I was suspicious, but she is my mom. I don't know why I even tell you this but, when you were gone to Libya, Dad was so mad and furious. Usually, my Mom shares almost everything with me but this, maybe because she saw me getting along with you. When I dropped the charge for Yejin, she complained about why I didn't ask you to trade it with your shares in Airfox."

"What? That, I actually wondered, I had anticipated for that. But why you didn't ask for my shares?"

"I told her that it wasn't necessary...we got enough for us and by running the company, I also received my own salaries as CFO. As long as I got to lead the run, it's more satisfying to me, to get compliments from Dad. You're always his favorite kid, pushing the trade would only make him disappointed. You can call me anything for turning a blind eye for my mother's dirty practices in Airfox, but greedy, I am not. I am more for being acknowledged bt Dad, that I can run Airfox."

I was in awe. That was something for her, indeed she was ambitious, but for my father's acknowledgment. I knew my father rarely compliments her, he sees her as collateral damage from his affair with Miss Kang. Young Haerim was hurt when my father asked for a paternity test, but through that, she was accepted in the Kim family, but Haerim's presence pushed me and my mother out from the picture.

Her mother Kang, was a different story. She loves my father and his money. She was the one who's furious when Kim Byunghyun announced his dispositions after my mother's death. He felt guilty, and he thought that through money somehow he can replace what has been missing for us, his time.

"When you told Dad that you'll consider taking part in Airfox, then Dad was fond of your wife, my Mom was enraged. Her main goal is always for me to inherit as much as I can. Mom was afraid that Yejin will get pregnant soon and give birth to your child, then we all know how happy Dad will be, he probably will spoil his grandchildren. On the other side, I can't give Dad the same joy."

"What do you mean, can't give the same joy?"

"I have my own preference, Bin. I am not into men."

"Oh. Okay. Then?"

"Mom once told me that, I am sorry for this, but Yejin isn't the prettiest girl among the Airfox girls, let alone compare to your flings. With your rushed marriage, rumor inside Airfox about her chosen lifestyle to stay pure, Mom sensed that you simply seek for physical benefits by marrying her. You and your adventurous soul, a virgin must be a very appealing challenge for you."

Her mom was right. I admitted that I wasn't sure it was love, but lust. But love grows, now I'm crazy over her.

"We know that she always wants to kick you out, so she tested you with Yumi. She thought you wrote a story about Airfox triggered by your long rage over Yumi. She knew there is a recent travel warning to Libya and big media like Time must send its journalists there, so she simply bought a burner phone, made up a story that Yumi is alive in Tripoli, lured you, then the next thing we know you begged to your boss to be sent to Libya."

"A burner phone? Is this merely your guessing or...?"

"She has admitted it Bin. She was the one who texted you."

"How did you do that? Did you find the burner phone?"

"Accusing my own mother wasn't an easy thing to do. I got help from your boss."


"It's quite easy actually. On the second day you left for Libya, Dad distrust your reason to go, said that it was strange for you to leave your freshly released from jail wife for a risky Libya assignment. He asked me to dig some information. I did what I can, with Jisub's connection and my threat to uncovering their dirt, we made a high tier officer in the ministry of communication and information open the recent texts and call history from and to your cellphone. Jisub showed me that text and traced the last active location of the phone number through the cellular operator, it was here in this house."

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