Game Plan

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Hyun Bin POV

"Aside from you, me, our lawyer Jihoon, Taeyoung, and Tang Wei, who else knows about her leaking information to you?"

"She mentioned she met her close friends from Airfox, Yoonah Minjung, and Jihye. Aside from those three, her ex Seok Woo, and an HR manager from Airfox headquarter Man Seok who tried to bribe me to spend a night with Yejin. But none of those men know that Yejin helped me with the investigation, but they know that I am romantically involved with Yejin."

"Could this be her?"

"I don't think so. We didn't get in touch after the decree was released."

Jisub was looking at his phone when suddenly his eyebrow raised and said. "What the...oh dear."

"What? Any news?"

"Nope. Nope. Come see your wife, she's here." He distracted me to the opened door, where Yejin and Taeyoung walked out from the interrogation room.

The company's lawyer Jihoon was out of reach so Jisub fetched Taeyoung instead.

We were given 15 minutes to meet her. It was already past 2 AM when I cam finally meet her. She was in a detainee uniform. She looked tired but still managed to smile at me.

"Is this really necessary? To handcuff her like that?" Jisub asked Taeyoung.

I embraced her in my arms.
"I'm here, babe. Did they treat you well? Or something has happened?" I caressed her hair.

She bit her lip like she was about to cry. I instantly became tense.
"What happened?"
"The policemen were calling me inappropriately because of my uniform. I asked for a detainee uniform to the policewomen, but they forced me to change my clothes in front of everyone."

"What?' They stripped you naked?!" I shook her shoulder and gritted my teeth in anger.

"No, they didn't touch me. I did it with my own hands. I refused but they threatened to undress me with their hands. I was not naked, still in my undergarment but I was so ashamed. They called me the slut form Airfox and asked why I even have to be ashamed, as I must be one of the sex bribes from Airfox to their guests. Being shown to everyone like how they thought I used to be treated. They mocked me that I must be so proud of being Airfox's girl escort until I want to tell the world through your magazine."

Fuck. That's enough.

I instantly stood up and about to punch the presented policemen but Jisub pulled me down.

"Bin! Get yourself together. We can't fight this like that. We have to be smarter."

"It's not your wife who has been suffering such humiliation like that!" I snapped to Jisub, for a moment I forgot that he was my boss.

"Being reckless would do no good to Yejin. At least no one touched her." Taeyoung tried to come in between.
"But someone must have recorded that, a CCTV at least," I whined.

"Something isn't right here, the procedure is she will be given privacy to change her clothes or being helped by a policewoman in a certain room," Taeyong added.

"Airfox should not be able to file a case like this, there was no strong proof shown to us, maybe tomorrow morning or we can bring her home. There is more behind this because not only Airfox but your story hurt the Aviation Authorization as well. But we need to dig more information before making the next move."

We looked down at Yejin who kept biting her lips with an unreadable expression.

"Yejin—Mrs. Hyun, on behalf of Time I am sorry for what has happened to you, and as an important first hand and collaborator we will use our resources to take care of this case as well as providing you a lawyer and its legal services." Jisub bowed to Yejin.
She bowed back and said, "Thank you, Sir."

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