Author's Note

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Dear lovely readers,

Thank you so much for your time and the chance to be bringing the 36 chapters of Hello Goodbye.

We've built this story together! I paid careful attention to every comment, every feedback, and appreciate every vote!

The last four weeks have been different for me, in a good way that I got to write and publish the story (almost) daily, once again, writing is relieving and keep my sanity, so all the pleasure is mine! Never once in my wildest dream when I started writing that anyone will actually read my work.

I apologize for any discomfort caused by the misspelling, wrong grammars, and the twisty plots, as you may start to know me that I am not good at romantic stories with beautiful words, and more into a plot twist ones, and even that too, still need a long learning process.

I owe you an epilogue, and I'll deliver it to you later, as soon as possible! And also, if it's not too much to ask, kindly promote my stories to your pals!

But for now, kindly check my latest work, titled Golden Goddess, another AU Binjin fanfictions with a unique story plot, wrapped in a political/business drama (and more toe-curling moments!).

Take your time, read the description, and if you think you were into this genre, then dive in with me!



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