The Innocent Bride

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Hyun Bin POV

Morning sun rays peeked through the curtain of our hotel room. As usual, I woke up before her and enjoyed the view of my girl still sleeping next to me, this time, she was so naked in her pearly fair skin under the fluffy white blanket on our hotel bed.

After the small but beautiful wedding ceremony of ours, led by the priest and witnessed only by Tang Wei and Taeyoung, I took her to a reserved suite in Four Season. I wanted to spend our first night somewhere nice, and with Taeyoungs's help, he packed all of her belongings and moved them there as Wei kept her occupied helping her dolled up.

She was already beautiful on her bare face but to add a bit color on her lips only made me want to skip the ceremony to the 'you may kiss your bride' part. And those blushing have no idea how I wanted to caress and kiss it. I was lost in her beauty.

I caressed my wife's long hair and inhaled it once in a while, as she was still sleeping, hugging a bolster between her legs. She was complaining about a sore feeling between her legs before falling asleep.

She looked so beautiful, so delicate, and I still on my way to believing that this goddess on my bed was my wife.

Across the room was her wedding dress hanging on the door hooks. Last night she insisted that she had to undress by herself, as she already knew how much I wanted to peel her off impatiently, or just simply torn it apart.
She wanted to keep it in one piece, not a single thread was pulled off.

But she was putting it on a show. She even put on some jazz music on the room's stereo. As I sat on the bed waiting for her impatiently, she slowly pulled the zipper down and dropped it on the floor. From an innocent bride in a white dress, she turned to be a femme fatale from my wildest dream and still wearing her innocent face.

She looked so adorable and so sexy at the same time. Under her wedding dress, she hid a skimpy fabric I didn't know what to name it, but it barely covered her breasts, let alone that sweet thing between her legs. It was an overpriced thing, it has so little material, just a pastel transparent fabric with lace and I honestly didn't remember the rest of its detail because I couldn't focus anymore the moment she called my name in her sultry voice.

"Take me in, Mr. Hyun Bin."


I was so horny like a boy watching his first porn. Well, I thought I would unsubscribe all my porn after this because none of the girls in it were as attractive as my innocent bride.

She climbed on the bed and quickly straddled on my laps. She kissed my lips as she took off my black suit and tie, followed by my black shirt and pants. Left me only in my boxer.

"Don't ever wear all black anymore, or it won't last long on you, I can't resist it." She whispered and licked my earlobe.

"Oh babe, I love this slutty virgin version of you. Come here," I pulled her body closer kissed her neck down to her bosoms.

Her thin strap fell down, and I finally able to take the pink perky nipple, swirled it with my tongue before sucked it in my mouth, while my hand squeezed the other one and tugged the nipple on my fingers.

Those nipples who she said 'saved the only husband only'. Me.

Her sexy little moans between the slow music from last night were still lingering on my head.
She whimpered when my fingers traveled down to her thong and fiddled it with my fingers.

I laid her down on the pillow. Her innocent face was flustered red as I bent down to kiss her navel and pulled the lace thong off her long legs, unwrapping my late birthday gift, using my teeth.

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