Access To You

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Yejin POV

I knew that was him. I saw him talking with Mr. Jisub. He looked miserable, his hands were on his face, as he was frustrated over something. I decided to fasten my steps following my group, heading to the company van to take us to the hotel.

The chosen hotel to stay? Among hundreds of hotels in Seoul, Emirates chose The Fraser Place. A hotel and apartment in one building operated by Fraser Hospitality. Bin's residence.

"Something's bothering you, Yejin? Do you hear what I just said?" My friend Jeong Hoon's voice from across the phone snapped me from my daydream of whether Bin still lives in his penthouse.

"Sorry I got distracted. Call me later, okay? In an hour or two."

"Maybe tomorrow morning? My shift ends in the morning. Don't skip dinner. Don't want you to get sick while I'm not around."

"Thank you." I smiled and ended the call.

I dragged the suitcase and waited in the lobby for my access card. Suddenly I spotted Bin and Jisub walked in, straight to the elevator and up.

I held my breath. That man on the plane was him. What happened to him? Didn't he leave me for someone else?

Later in my room, I stared at the ceiling thinking about him. He's just twelve floors above me. I still had the access card to his unit. Should I go up? Shouldn't I?

I felt the urge to call Mr. Jisub and asked a thing or two about him.

"Good evening Mr. Jisub. It's Yejin."
"Yejin? How are you? Is this your number?"
"Yes. I'm fine, thank you."
"Where are you, Yejin? I haven't heard anything from you since last month, I'm worried, you know. I'm planning to go to Dubai next week."

"Really? A business trip?"
"Yes. Are you going to be around?"
"Yes, but, it depends."
"Depends on what?"
"Are you alone?"
"Eeeh... I can arrange that. What's wrong, Yejin?"
"Will Bin come too?"
"I spotted you and him, like an hour ago in Fraser's lobby."
"Are you here?! Yejin, where are you exactly?"

"I was on the same plane as him. I was shocked as hell, but I think he didn't saw me. The Emirates provides us accommodation here. I'm not flying tomorrow but the next day. I don't know he has come back from Libya. Did he tell you about...Yumi? Did he met her?"

"Of course he didn't meet her. Yumi was dead twelve years ago. I think someone tricked him. He was wounded from an airstrike, lost his consciousness for two months, and being kidnapped by the rebels. I just found out about it. He is fine now but devastated. He just discovered you were gone."

"Does he know where I work now?"

"Yes, I told him. He's going to find out anyway and going to chase you back to Dubai, but it's up to you to decide, do you still want to be with him or not. If you chose not to, you can call Jihoon anytime to proceed with the divorce. I have promised you that from the beginning."

"No. Just let it be like this, I can't decide anything in this state."

"Alright. What will you do while you're here? Catching up with old friends?"

"I'm not sure. I left them with too many questions about me. Mr. Jisub, I actually want to meet Bin but I'm not sure why, and for what is he emotionally stable now?"

"Of course not. If you want to see him, make sure you know what you want and your plan m, if things were not going as planned. Coming to him in an emotional state will only complicate things between you."

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