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Hyun Bin POV

I called my boss while waiting for my luggage in the executive lounge. He asked me to write a report on how I was kidnapped in Libya.

"I've read your report, so you were in Tripoli, on your way to the UN Military Airbase then suddenly you go to Tajoura, got air striked there, wounded unconscious, and woke up in Benghazi?"


"We have to fill the hole here on why you changed the route to Tajoura?"

"Ahh..how can I fill that?"

"I understand you can't write that someone texted you though."

"What text?"

"Yumi is in Tajoura? You told me."

"Really? Give me some time to come up with the story. I'll call you later."

"Where are you? How long are you asking for leave to HR?"

"A week? I'm in Dubai, chasing my wife back. I'll return back home as soon as I get her back."

I hung up the phone. My luggage has arrived, and not long after I saw her walked in a group with her cabin crews.

I followed her until the arrival gate. I saw her and her crews were waiting for their company van. I was picked up by the hotel service.

I got in, then the driver greeted me,

"Good evening, Mr. Hyun. Thank you for choosing the Armani Hotel for your stay. You must be tired after a long flight from Seoul. Don't worry, the trip will only take 15 minutes sharp."

"Actually can I ask you to take me somewhere before we go to the hotel? I'll pay the extra charge."

"No problem. Where are we going?"

"I don't know, just follow the Emirates van, it should be arrived in any minute soon....look, there. Follow them, please."

"Alright, but may I know why Sir?"

"I want to surprise my wife. She is among the cabin crews. Please."

We followed the van, I just wanted to know where she has been living here. The van reached an apartment complex, and stopped several times, dropping the crews on their buildings. Finally, Yejin got out and waved goodbye to her crews.

"Sir, please park over here or somewhere nearby. I'm going to pick her."

I quickly got off and followed her, then stopped at the wallboard with a list, written names of the crews, and their flat numbers. I typed it on my note app her flat number.

"Does Armani provide a florist service?" I asked the driver.

"No, but we have some recommendations. Your wife's not coming, Sir?"

"Not tonight, but I'll make sure for tomorrow. I want to order some flower arrangements."

"We can help you with that."

The hotel room was extraordinary luxurious, of course, too bad I spent it alone tonight. But tomorrow, I'll make sure she spends the night there with me.

Yejin POV

I got three days off before my next flight. The first thing on my mind was how I am going to spend it. Bin was here in Dubai. Should I meet him? I didn't know why he's here but I was sure one of his reason must be me. Let's see how he can find me here.

I opened my phone. 2 Text Messages. One from Jeong Hoon.

I heard you've got back. Are you up for breakfast?

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