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Yejin POV

I woke up around 5 AM. Bin was already awakened and busy typing with his laptop at the balcony, smoking, and, uhmm....shirtless.

I got off the bed to the bathroom and rinsed my mouth. I definitely didn't want bad morning breath for a morning kiss. When I stepped out of the bathroom, Bin was already inside, standing by the bed typing something on his cellphone which was still recharging its battery.

"Already wake up, babe? Don't know you're a morning person too." He greeted me with his dimple smile.

"I'm a flight attendant. Of course, I'm a morning person. I don't know to be a journalist also required to wake up early." I put my arms around his neck.

He leaned down and kissed my lips.

"It's not. I have trouble sleeping. I awoke around 3 and can't fall back asleep again. Especially with you by my side."

"Don't you want to go back sleeping? Lack of sleep isn't good for your health. You should sleep for a couple of hours more. Come here, maybe I can help you. I know some techniques."

I closed the door access to the balcony and closed all the curtains. I sat on the bed leaning on the headboard and patted the space beside me.

He climbed on the bed and scooted to me.
"Can I lie here?" He touched my bare thighs.

"Yeah. Sure." I pulled a pillow and placed it on my thighs.

He grinned and laid his head on me. I positioned his head with his face facing my chest. I ran my fingers through his hair and gently massage the upper area of his neck from his hairline down his shoulders, went a bit to his collarbone, up to both corners of his forehead, and ended the cycle at his shoulder blades. I repeated that and slowly his tense muscles became ease.

"This is so good, babe. I wish I could get this every night after a long day on the field. Where did you learn this?" He snuggled his face closer to my bosoms and kissed the exposed cleavage. He kissed and sucked a small area of my bosom, near the nipple, leaving a hickey on it.

"Babe, what are you doing?" not that I dislike it, I liked it a lot but wasn't it too early for a morning make-out session?

"Finally you call me babe after I gave you a hickey. I'll give you more then!" He snuggled his face on my chest again.

"Stop it Bin! Let's go back focus on you. Come on, I'll give you more nice massages."

I didn't answer his question. I used to do this on Seok Woo when we were together. He used to suffer from fatigue after his long haul flights, and he said that this massage was comforting, helped him to doze off or fall into a deep sleep.

It took less than 10 minutes for him to fall asleep. I caressed his face. For me, he was so handsome, so my type. I bent down and kissed his cheek. I positioned more pillows behind my back and fell asleep too.

Hyun Bin POV

I woke up with a marvelous view right in front of my face. Yejin's boobs with hickeys from me. But I woke up not because of an alarm but knocks on my door. I checked out my phone and saw missed calls from Taeyoung and Tang Wei. I was supposed to meet them 15 minutes ago.

I placed the blanket to cover Yejin's body and opened the door.

"Bin! Jeez, put a shirt on!" Tang Wei annoyed.
"Sorry. I just felt asleep again. Give me ten minutes to shower."
"Too tired after a long night with miss flight attendant? Where's your camera? I'll transfer and process the images while you bath," Taeyoung teased me and stepped inside my room.

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