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Yejin POV

My WIFE? What the fuck was he talking about?

I saw him across the room with worried all over his face. I was still handcuffed by the police. Tang Wei and Taeyoung were also presented. Tang Wei came approaching one of the policewomen and spoke with a low voice. Both nodded then she walked approaching me.

"I'm sorry Yejin, we will talk in details later, but now they are going to unbutton your shirt and loosen your bra." Tang Wei softly said to me.

"Like now? Here?! Why?"

"Bin claimed a mark on your chest. If it matches, we can bring you home."

"What the...oh God. They're going to strip me naked here?!"

"I really am sorry, but this will strengthen our argument that Bin is your husband, so he can take you out of here before Airfox comes. "

"Alright." I was pissed off and ashamed but I was in no position to bargain.

"Just show the necessary part Bin has mentioned."

The policewoman walked me to another closed room with another two policewomen and Hyun Bin.

"Mister Hyun Bin, now clearly repeat where is the mark that you've stated before?"

"It's on her right breast, like an inch from the nipple. It's below the nipple," Bin said to her.

"Excuse me, Ma'am." One of the policewomen unbuttoned my shirt and paid attention to my chest, still covered in bra.

"Just yank it off," I told her.

My face was reddened, ashamed, and scared at the same time. I have never let him saw my entire bosoms when we were making out last night but then we were at the police station, I was going to show it in front of him. I assured myself that he must have plenty of experiences seeing topless women before, so this little show was nothing.

She pulled down the right cup of my bra and I turned away my face, ashamed.

"Step back." The senior policewoman asked the junior one and stepped closer to take a closer look at me.

A hickey. The one Bin gave me this morning.

"Okay. You can dress her, Mr. Bin." One of the police went to my back and uncuffed my hands.

Bin quickly fixed my bra and buttoned up my shirt. He caressed my hands where the cuff was leaving a mark.

"Is it hurt?" He asked.
"It's nothing compared with the shame I've been through here."
"What do you mean? Did the police touch you?" He sternly asked.
"No. Please can we just get out of here now?" I pressed my temple on his shoulder.

Bin put a ring on my finger. A matching one with his. I never saw these rings before.
"Just play along," he said.

He put his arm around my back and led me out. After Bin signed some documents, the police gave back my handbag along with my belongings.

After we all have cleared up, Bin brought me to a dinery along with his friends and lawyer. They explained to me the situation and everything about the husband-wife stunt. I can only nod following the plan.

Tomorrow evening we will go to a chapel and say the wedding vow. Buy a proper wedding dress, take wedding pictures, and everything necessary for evidence.

They also explained that this plan will also protect me if Airfox sues me for whistleblowing. I could still be held accountable but the prosecutors would likely claim for a lesser sentence, protected by spousal privilege. Also if Airfox dragged Bin and Time Inc in a bribery case for receiving me as a sex bribe from Airfox, the spousal privilege and our marriage status would be favorable for us.

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