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Yejin POV

Skydiving was...awesome! But tandem skydiving with him was something else. I was still mad at him, but he pushed me to the edge not giving me the option but to put my trust in him, that this will work somehow. No time to rethink, just jump. I was pretty scared but feeling challenged at the same time. Surprisingly, seconds before we jumped off, all of my anxiety was gone. Left me only in adrenaline and excitement.

I realized one thing, I felt safe with him. Not only because he was a licensed skydiver but more because I knew he loves me. He won't let go of me. Just like Budapest, we just jumped into a marriage, without thinking too much, risking everything,

"How's that? Do you like it?" He asked on our way to the next destination.

"I do. A lot. Thank you for taking me."

"We should do it again somewhere else."

I just nodded. I didn't know how it will go so I won't promise a thing. But yes I felt much relaxed around him.

"Baby, let's have some lunch, local cuisine please..."

I took him to Medinat Jumeirah. It was a resort with a strong Arabian ambiance. Very touristy, very middle east, even that place has its own unique oud smell. It was surrounded by a small creek and there were abras sailing around for tourists.

There were traditional markets and restaurants serve local cuisines. I intended to choose him the meals but once he read the menu, he quickly decided what he wanted to eat.

"Do you know what you just ordered? I don't know a South Korean guy knows various Middle East food. I only know kebab here."

"I'm a citizen of the world, babe."

Yeah, his father owns an airline company, don't forget. He's also a journalist with a worldwide work field. Of course, he has gone to many places. A citizen of the world.

"It's not only you who travel for work."

"You know you don't have to be like that. Working like that and risking your life. You have Airfox."

"What is life but one grand adventure? I never see it as work. It's always an adventure for me. But then I met you, things changed, I want to settle down. But, I was stupid. Trapped over something from the past, being separated from you. It was entirely my mistake."

I felt mellow, but I wasn't comfortable. Instead of responding to him with how I feel about him, I tried to change the topic.

"Wow. Why all of the sudden talking from kebab turn into something this serious? Hei, have you ever ride a traditional boat here? They call it Abra. We can hop on an abra around here and have a quick tour around."

"Yejin. Don't change the topic."

I pouted. "Fine. What else?" Let him talk. I won't respond.

"I am sorry, Yejin. I am so sorry. I promise I won't make the same mistake again, leaving you again like that. I won't make any justification for what I did. You deserve to get mad at me, but isn't there a bit hope left for me that you have to take off our wedding ring and left it? Are you that mad and do you want to end this?"

I ignored his questions and played with my food. Not only not in the mood for this, but I also didn't have the answer yet.

"Yejin, baby..."

"I don't know Bin. The very first reason we get married was to protect me against a lawsuit then you'll divorce me. But the attempt to use our marital status to shield me wasn't working. Frankly, it only took you to return to your family to release me from the lawsuit. We didn't even have to get married at all, actually. But still, you asked whether we still want this and as I remember, you said yes, you want to continue this marriage, asking me to stay with you. But look who's left?

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