Chapter 5

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Izuku finished half of his classes for the day and now has lunch. Iida, Ochaco and him head to their table after getting food. Todoroki is already at the table waiting for his soba to get cold. Iida sat next to Todoroki, who was at the end of the table. There were 3 seats left. One next to Iida, one at the end of the table, and one inbetween those two. Izuku sat next to Iida and instead of sitting next to Izuku, Ochaco sat at the far end of the table. "Uraraka, you ok? Why are you so far away?" After Izuku asked her that, she remembered what Mina said about Izuku being her boyfriend and blushed without responding.

Weird. Maybe she's feeling sick and doesn't want me to get sick? Oh well. I won't pressure it.

The four of them finish lunch and they make it to the last class of the day which is their hero class. Everyone enters the classroom and hangs out until the bell. "Ok! Everyone take your seats! Class is about to start!" Iida yelled. Everyone sat down and Mr. Aizawa entired in his usual sleeping bag. "Ok, everyone change into your gym clothes and meet at training ground gamma. Oh and also find a partner. We're doing basic quirk enhancement training so find someone that complements your quirk." Aizwa started to walk out of the class but stopped and turned back around, "also, I reccomend Bakugo and Midoriya go easy, since I have granted permission for the two of them to spar tonight, you two have All Might to thank for that." As Aizawa said that everyone started talking and asking us questions. Everyone except Todoroki, Tsu, and Ochaco. Iida was praising us for getting permission first this time and started wishing me well.

Everyone makes it down to training ground gamma and is picking their partners.

Maybe it would be best to pick Ochaco so we can focus on our training from yesterday helping me unlock my third quirk.

"Hey Uraraka! Wanna continue our training from before?" Izuku asked reaching Ochako. "Of co-" Ochaco stopped and started thinking about what Mina said again. "A-actually, I'm gonna help Tsu, maybe another time, sorry Deku!" Ochaco said trying to get away as fast as possible without making it suspicious.

That was weird, oh well. I'll just pair up with Iida, maybe he can help me with my shoot style.

Izuku walked to Iida and they started training. About 20 minutes of stretching and warm ups, Izuku decided that he wants to try something. "Hey Iida, is it possible for you to help me figure out a way to make a kick that kind of mocks your Recipro Burst? I know I won't have the acceleration, but I want a kick that packs a punch like that one." Izuku asked really hoping he can figure it out. "Well, you have those iron soles right? And they spring back. Maybe you can try something with those." Iida now excited to help his friend.

"I have an idea, so you've learned how to use air pressure more precisely, right?" Iida continued to explain to Izuku and they began practicing. Izuku mainly wanted a move that guarantees his win for tonight. He realized how much bakugo had been training and knew this fight would be difficult. Especially since he can barley hold 60% and if he used 60% the whole time, he might destroy something.

A few hours past and Izuku is in his room preparing himself. He still has 2 hours before the fight but it's never too early to prepare. Suddenly Izuku heard a knock at his door. When he opens the door he sees a familiar lanky teacher that he admires so much. "Hey All Might, what are you doing here?" Izuku asked not realizing that he was the reason this whole thing is allowed to go on. "Well, I just wanted to see if you were ready. And explain why I convinced Aizawa to let this fight happen."

That's right, I forgot that I was going to ask him that. Oh well, atleast he's gonna tell me now

"Yeah, I'm ready, a little nervous though. Anyway, why did you convince Aizawa?" Izuku asked. "Well, after watching you train yesterday, i noticed something. You've grown so much ever since that last fight between you two. Before i would easily and confidently say bakugo would beat you everytime." As All Might said that Izuku dropped in confidence a little. "But that after seeing you train and feeling the strength and determination that you've put into One for All, I've realized that very soon you'll surpass me. Maybe in a year. Maybe in a few months, and by then YOU will become the symbol of peace. YOU will beable to say 'I AM HERE' and save others with a smile. But you are still a child, so you deserve to have fun and have competitions with your friends. And besides. You can't become the symbol if you can't surpass your greatest rival." All Might said with a big smile on his face. He then transforms into his muscle form and says his last sentence, "SO GOOD LUCK OUT THERE YOUNG MIDORIYA!" He says before spitting blood and tranforming back. "Ugh, sorry, anyway I'll see you out there kid" All Might said waving and walking away, leaving Izuku speechless.

Finally it was time. As Izuku comes out of the dorms he sees Bakugo waiting for him. "Finally you damn nerd! Made me wait for too long!" Bakugo yelled being very impatient. "Sorry Kacchan! Anyway, where are we going?" Izuku asked realizing that he had no clue where they were fighting. "We're going to ground gamma, that way we can destroy terrain. But sadly the worthless class and teachers will be there so we can't use attacks that will hurt them too." Bakugo said and mumbled "damn weaklings" under his breath after, not happy that he can't use his massive blast and deku can't use 60%.

The two make it to the training ground and find all of class 1-A is there including All Might, Aizawa incase Bakugo goes too far, and principal Nezu. Nezu came because he wanted to see how much his students have grown since the sports festival.

The two get ready as everyone encircles them. "Ok. Are you two ready? Remember that if I see that you two are about to get even a little overboard then I'm cancelling your quirks and it's over. Got it?" "Got it!" the two of them said though Bakugo was getting impatient and was ready to start. "Ok, then let the match begin."

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