Chapter 36

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"Ok, with the nomu pinned we need a way to restrain these two." Hawks said. Izuku immediately used black whip to wrap around the nomu without thinking. "Good job kid, you were quick with that." Hawks said before going to talk to the police. While Hawks was busy, the buff nomu began to struggle until it came to its feet, catching Izukus attention.

The nomu pulled on black whip making Izuku fly towards it and then punched Izuku into a building. Hawks noticed and immediately flew towards it.

God damn that hurt, I think that thing broke a rib or two.

Izuku sat up and saw there were a few kids in the building, trying to hide. "Hey, why haven't you guys evacuated?" Izuku said, trying not to show how much pain he's in so the kids don't get scared. "W-we were too scared to go outside." One of the kids said. "Ok, well come here, I'll take you outside safely." Izuku tried to get up but was forced down again because of the pain.

Shit, I just need to get through this. But it's been a minute since I broke a bone so my body probably isn't used to it like it was before.

Suddenly there's a big crash, making the building shake. The ceiling begins collapsing. "Crap, get under something!" Izuku yelled, making the kids react.

This won't work, they're too slow. They won't make it in time.

Izuku then forced himself up and used a 70% Detroit Smash using his left arm. Obliterating the ceiling and spraining his arm.

Damn it, that hurts but its isn't broken thankfully. But it sure as hell feels like it.

"Are you kids ok?" Izuku asked and they nodded. "Alright, I'll help you all get out of here." Izuku used black whip to carry the kids and get out of the building. He dropped them off near the police and jumped back into the fight. "Hey kid, you ok?" Hawks asked while evading an attack.

"I have a few broken bones and I think I sprained or fractured something in my arm, but other than that I'm great." Izuku said. "Ok, well, I'll handle this the, you just chill out on the sidelines for now." Hawks said. Izuku did as the hero said and waitied until Hawks needed help but it seemed Hawks was doing great on his own.

Suddenly, the other nomu got up and sprinted behind Izuku. It was so fast that Izuku had no idea it was behind him. The nomu raised its claw and went for a swipe but Izuku ducked under it and quickly hit with a 60% Louisiana Smash, sending the nomu flying once again.

"Hawks! I have a plan! Let's make the nomu get close together!" Izuku yelled and Hawks nodded. Hawks sent a barrage of feathers at the nomu, pushing it back.

Izuku goes to the nomu he kicked and punches it towards the other nomu. Hawks removed the feathers from the nomu and the two nomu collide. Izuku then ran to them and used his arm to punch the two nomu into the sky with a 100% smash, breaking his arm.

Izuku then jumped and began to float, but he couldn't control it well. "Hawks!" Izuku yelled and Hawks quickly threw a bunch of his feathers up to Izuku and made small wings to help Izuku control where he flies. He used black whip to keep the nomu together then pulled them towards him then Izuku hit with a 60% kick and used black whip to pull them back and then did a 100% flipping kick to the heads, obliterating the heads.

The nomus had finally died. Hawks brought Izuku back down with his feathers and used them to take Izuku to the ambulance that was on stand by incase there were civilians hurt. "You did great kid, now leave the rest to me." Hawks said as he put Izuku into the ambulance and they drove off.

A day goes by and Izuku is still in the hospital. Hawks comes in to talk to Izuku. "Hey there kid, how are you doin?" Hawks asked. "I'm alright, the police questioning me is a bit annoying though." Izuku responded and the two kept talking for a little until there's a knock on the door and a nurse comes in.

"Um, Midoriya, you have visitors." The nurse said. "Weird, let them in." Izuku said. Then two girls and one scrawny, retired hero came in. "Deku?! Are you ok?" One of the girls asked.


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