Chapter 15

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The two make it to the training grounds and don't see All Might anywhere. "Hm, I wonder where he is. Do you have an idea Deku?" Ochako asked just trying to make conversation. "No clue. I'll text and ask." Izuku said grabbing his phone from his pocket and started typing.

What should I talk to Deku about? I hope he isn't getting bored of me. Why is this whole conversation thing so difficult.

"So, I had a question for you Uraraka." Izuku said breaking the ice. "What's up Deku?" Ochako responded somewhat relieved. "So, since we're dating now. Is it ok if I call you Ochako instead of Uraraka?"

"Of course Deku! Call me whatever you like! Should I start calling you Izuku?" Ochako asked hoping his answer would be no. She likes calling him by his hero name, she thinks it's cute. "You can keep calling me Deku if you want. The name is starting to grow on me. But it's whatever you're comfortable with." Izuku said with a big smile on his face making Ochakos heart melt.

Thank god I don't have to call him Izuku, there's nothing wrong with the name but I prefer Deku. Also, why does he have to make a face like that? It gets to me everytime! All I want to do is get close to him whenever he makes that face.

"Hey you two! I hope I didn't keep you waiting too long!" All Might yelled to the two from the distance. "Hey All Might!" Izuku yelled back. Ochako got a little disappointed she can't talk to him as much right now but is ready to train with Izuku.

All Might makes it to the couple after a little bit of walking. "Ok you two, today is going to be different. I realize that young Uraraka has trained in hand to hand combat under gunhead. And young Midoriyas whole quirk relies on hand to hamd combat. So we are going to put you both under the test with a sparring match but the trick is, no quirks. I also know that you two are lovebirds but you will have to set those feelings aside for now, got it?" All Might said making the two nod in hesitation.

Fight Deku?! I mean, I'll do it but there's no way I'm winning. Deku has way more experience. Though he does rely on his quirk, obviously that's not the only thing he can use to fight. He is battle smart too. And his quirk doesn't improve his reaction time which is definitely nothing to laugh at.

The two get into position and into their fighting stances. "I won't hold back Deku. Neither should you." Ochako said though she knows that when it comes to training, Izuku doesn't always go all out. But this time he had a look in his eyes that were different. And he had a smile. "I won't Ochako. But just know that I'm excited to get a taste of those gunhead martial arts."

This feels different from Deku. Where did this come from? Honestly, I kind of like it.

Ochako bagan to smile now and both were now excited for this match. "Ok, is both sides ready?" All Might asked before the couple nods. "Alright, begin!" When All Might said that the two rushed each other. Izuku attacked first with a quick kick to the side which Ochaco quickly blocked and tried to counter by grabbing his leg and attempting to throw him, but Izuku quickly jumped and used his other leg to kick her arms and stop the hold on him.

Damn, he's quick on his feet. I wonder what I can do to stop him?

Before Ochaco can think of a strategy, Izuku rushed her keeping her from thinking. Izuku swung his right arm at Ochaco which she dodged, but the punch was used for momentum so Izuku can kick her with the heel of his left foot. Making Ochaco stumble backwards. "Damn young Midoriya, it seems you really aren't holding back." All Might said, praising his student.

Who does he remind me of right now?

Ochaco started thinking again but this time to lure Izuku into attacking more. Izuku goes in with a kick which Ochaco dodged and a swift punch after the kick. Ochaco caught Izukus arm, hurried behind him, then grabbed the base of the neck before kicking his leg in and throwing him to the ground.

"Nice work young Uraraka." All Might said. Ochaco has Izuku pinned to the ground but Izuku decides to change that. "Wow Ochaco, I didn't know someone as beautiful as you could fight so well." Izuku said throwing Ochaco off. She blushes and loosens her grip in surprise, as soon as she does Izuku takes advantage and sweeps her and comes around her to change their positioning.

Now Izuku had her pinned, and she wasn't moving. "Tha-that was a dirty trick Deku." Ochaco says still blushing. "It was just the truth. It just threw you off as well." Izuku said smirking. "Ok, I think that's the match. Great job you two!" All Might said, praising the two. Izuku then got off of Ochaco and helped her up.

"Sorry I tricked you like that Ochaco. But I wasn't lying." Izuku said making Ochaco blush even more. "You two did great. And Midoriya, you are looking more like Bakugo everytime you fight. Why is that?" All Might asked, thankful Izuku isn't copying him still. "Well, my image of always winning is either you or Kacchan. But, since I've always known Kacchan, he is always the fist that comes to mind." Izuku said.

I guess that makes sense. My image of success is Deku, and it seems I am thinking more and more like him.

"Anyway, lets talk about your weaknesses. Young Midoriya, you're still pulling your punches. You feel more sympathetic." All Might said, surprising Ochaco.

Deku was holding back his punches? How does All Might know? Thinking about it, the kicks didn't hurt as bad as I thought they would but I thought that was cause he wasn't using his quirk.

"Sir, how do you think he was holding back?" Ochaco asked, a little confused. "Well, first of all, the amount of kicks missed. His whole fighting style realies on hitting the target, so missing isn't common for someone like Midoriya." All Might explained.

"Sorry I held back a little. Just didn't want to you hurt you." Izuku said smiling, making Ochaco blush even more. "Well, the sun is starting set, so I'll see you guys tomorrow." All Might said before waving and walking away.

"Wait! The sun is setting?! Crap." Izuku said starting to panic. "What's wrong Deku?" Ochaco asked befor Izuku grabbed Ochaco bridal style and activated his quirk. "We need to get somewhere fast so I'm going to use my quirk to get us there. Hold on tight, ok?" Izuku said and Ochaco just nodded in response.

I wonder where we're going. Maybe back to the fair? But why would he be in such a hurry?

Izuku bagan jumping feom building to building to get to the location until finally they make it.

It's a small beach, they are at the start with concrete stairs looking over the beach. The beach is completely clear with a dock to the left of the stairs with a small gazebo. Izuku put Ochaco down and deactivated his quirk.

"Where are we Deku?" Ochaco asked. "10 months before the entrance exam last year, this beach was practically a dump. Mountains of garbage covered this beach. It took 10 months, but I cleaned this whole beach just to get in shape to not only handle my quirks power, but also make it into UA. I finished 5 hours before I met you. This is one of my greatest accomplishments, and this place is one of my favorite places to go to. Also, watching the sunset from over here is amazing." Izuku said while admiring everything around him.

Izuku worked THAT hard to get into UA? And to handle his quirk even though it didn't work very well since he broke his arm and legs the same day.

"That's amazing Deku! This place is beautiful too." Ochaco said admiring his hard work. "Yeah, but there is also something I wanted to do while we're here." Izuku said beginning to blush. Ochaco looked at him a little confused. "And what's that Deku?" Ochaco asked before Izuku put his hand on her cheek and leaned in to kiss her.

Their lips touch and Ochaco puts he hand on Izukus. They kiss for a minute until they part lips realizing that Izuku started floating because of Ochacos quirk. "S-sorry Deku. Release." Ochaco said still blushing from the kiss.

Deku just kissed me! Oh my god, this is amazing. Today can't get any better.

The two looked at each other before locking into another kiss that lasted a little long then making their way back to the dorms as the sun finally sets. Wrapping up a seemingly perfect day for the two heros in training.

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