Chapter 25

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"How cute, you've taken All Mights catchphrase." Shigaraki said, before firing an air cannon. Making the students fly back. Izuku used black whip to catch everyone and hold onto a tree.

The air cannon didn't stop so Izuku used black whip to wrap around Shigaraki's arms and pull them up so he fires into the sky. "Not bad Izuku Midoriya." The students composed themselves and Izuku pulled Shigaraki towards Bakugo so he can get into point blank range, and Bakugo fired off a huge blast, similar to the gauntlets.

Todoroki appeared behind Shigaraki as he flew back and froze Shigaraki completely.

If only it was this easy, it isn't over yet.

Izuku charged his body to 50% and got into fighting stance to fight Shigaraki. The ice begins to crack and suddenly a huge burst of air comes from where the ice was. "Nice try boys, but I am far beyond anything you three can do." Shigaraki said with a wider grin.

I thought he would've taken some damage but he doesn't even have a scratch on him. We knew he had regeneration but damn, this is far beyond any Nomu we've faced. Even All for One didn't have this.

"Todoroki, take Eraser and Endeavor and get out of here, Kacchan and I will fight until you get back with reinforcements. He's jamming our radios so we can't contact anyone." Izuku ordered. "Who should I get?" Todoroki asked. "Find Hawks, he's long ranged and can fly so he's our best bet right now." Izuku said.

"Yes, call in more people to get killed. First I'm going to take One for All then I'll kill everyone here." Shigaraki said with an even wider smile. Todoroki then picks them up with his ice then skates out of the battle. "You ready Kacchan?" Izuku said with a wide grin. "Damn right!" Bakugo said with just as wide of a grin.

Then Bakugo fired off a stun grenade, blinding Shigaraki. Izuku hit with a spinning heel kick to the head then used black whip to throw Shigaraki away from arms reach. Izuku jumps back and grabs Bakugos arm and starts spinning while Bakugo propels himself even more using his explosions.

Izuku throws Bakugo at Shigaraki and Bakugo starts up an Howitzers Impact. "HOWITZERS CATAPULT!" Bakugo yells as he slams an explosion into Shigaraki, launching him through a few trees until he finally stopped on one of the trees.

"Pretty clev-" Shigaraki began while trying to stand up but was quickly shut up by black whip tying his hands together and getting pulled into a 60% Manchester Smash and launching him through the tree that stopped him.

There isn't a way to stop his regeneration, I'm just hoping it slows down after a while, if it doesn't then we're screwed.

Shigaraki finally stood up and Izuku ran behind him while tying his hands again. Shigaraki pulled on black whip to bring Izuku close but then Bakugo jumped in and hit Shigaraki with an AP shot, knocking Shigaraki back a little bit. "I'm getting tired of this annoying game." Shigaraki said before preparing his next attack.

Bakugo attempted to launch another huge explosion at Shigaraki but Shigaraki dodged and made it behind Bakugo. But before he can touch Bakugo, Izuku landed a Manchester Smash launching Shigaraki back once again.

Shigaraki then shot another air canon at Izuku, keeping him from getting to Bakugo in time. Izuku flew back and was too far away to catch up. Shigaraki then ran behind bakugo and attempted to grab his face but right before he could, a feather hooked onto his sleeve and pulled his arm back, then a second feather did the same to the other arm.

Hawks made it just in time!

Izuku turned and saw Hawks with Iida, Ochaco, Todoroki, Eraserhead who was finally awake, and Gang Orca. "O-Ochaco." Izuku said, catching her attention. "Deku! Are you ok?" She asked about to run to him but is stopped by Aizawa. "Oh, right. Sorry sir." Ochaco said with a sad look on her face.

"I see, so Izuku Midoriya has a little girlfriend. That's good to kn-" before Shigaraki can finish he was hit by a fire blast. Everyone looked around to see who it was and saw Endeavor had woken up as well. "How about you just shut it and give up Shigaraki." Endeavor said.

"You see, I don't really like doing what heroes tell me." Shigaraki said before the feathers on Shigaraki burst into flames. "I wanted to use this later but what the hell. Lets see if Endeavor has stronger flames than me." Shigaraki said before attempting to use his flames but nothing happened. "Damn it Eraserhead. Why are you so cool?" Shigaraki said with a smile.

He suddenly puts his hands up like he's surrendering. "I guess you caught me." Shigaraki said still with a smile. Suddenly a huge burst of flames take out a huge radius around him. Some dodge but Iidas damaged engine kept him from moving in time.

With the flames closing in, Izuku pushes Iida out of the way just in time but Izuku gets burned. When the flames disperse, Shigaraki is gone and all you can see is burnt grass and Izuku on the ground with his leg extremely burnt.

"Oh my god, Deku! Are you ok?!" Ochaco said in a panic. Izuku yelled for a while but he eventually passed out from the pain. The paramedics arrive and get him, and all of the injured out of the area.

That day, even though 3 of the leagues strongest members were captured, but the heroes lost a lot more than they gained.

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