Chapter 21

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The raid squad was closing in on the location, while the rescue squad was evacuating the entire city, since they didn't want a repeat of last time. But as the raiding squad was closing in, a big squad of villains began rushing to their location. And some headed towards the city.

"Shit, ok, EVERYONE HOLD POSITION! THERE'S A REASON HAWKS LEADS THE EVACUATION TEAM! HE CAN HANDLE THOSE VILLAINS!" Endeavor yelled trying to reassure his team and keep them from splitting up. Although, one person wasn't reassured.

What are they doing? Will Ochaco be ok? I still haven't-

Todoroki touched Izukus attention and just nodded almost like he knew what Izuku was thinking. It reassured Izuku, and Izuku got ready to fight.

The heroes stood and waited until finally the first villain appeared and the rest followed. Izuku was stuck against a villain with a strength enhancing quirk.

Ok, so it seems this guy can wnhance his strength, though nothing like Muscular was able to. This guy should be easy.

The villain swung at Izuku but he quickly dodged and swept the villains feet knocking him down. Though mid fall Izuku charged 45% into his fist and punched the villain into the ground, knocking him unconscious immediately.

"You finally beat that guy Deku?! Come on, when did you get so slow?!" Backugo yelled to Izuku while starting to propel himself to a new group of villains. Izuku just smirked and began heading towards the same group.

Kacchan maybe be fast but at 60%, I'm faster!

Izuku then charged only his legs to 60% and jumped towards the group now passing Backugo. Izuku flew into one with a Manchester Smash, landing the kick on a villains head knocking him out then using black whip to grab all the villains while Backugo charged up a howitzers impact and landed it on the group knocking all of them out.

"As I'd expect from a good for nothing nerd like you!" Backugo said with a smile. Though ut seemed like an insult Izuku knew what it actually ment, making Izuku smile as well. "Thanks Kacchan!" Izuku said as the two continued to charge villains and follow Endeavor towards the hideout.

~~~Ochacos POV~~~

I hope Deku is doing ok, I kind of messed up last night but I'm sure he'll be fine.

As Ochaco was thinking about Izuku, a big explosion went off on the building next to her, making it collapse. Ochaco quickly made her self float and jumped to make the huge falling debris float as well. "There we go, now, I should check if there's anyone inside this half." Ochaco said to herself.

She broke a window to let herself in and used her grapple to maneuver around places.

Ok, I wonder about over he-

Ochaco couldn't finish her thought before a villain with a bird-like quirk attacked her, which she was barley able to dodge.

Damn, it seems he's one of the villains that caused this. Let's see, he has the resemblance of a bird like Tokyami but he has wings and talons, so I'm gonna assume his quirk gives him all the abilities a bird has.

The villain screeches and flys towards Ochaco to try and attack her with his talon. Ochaco was able to use her grapple to dodge again.

Thankfully the training with Deku and All Might has helped me with being nauseous, but I can't stay like this much longer. I have to do something to get on the ground and soon.

Ochaco thought for a minute and had an idea, but it required amazing timing because if how fast the villain is.

Ochaco begins to grapple to a wall near her and releases her quirk making both her and the building fall. The villain got slammed into the top as the building fell, but before it hit the ground, Ochaca caught it with her quirk making it float again since she doesn't know if anyone is under the bulding.

She then lets go of the grapple and makes herself float again, and the villain started flying towards her.

Ok, I get one chance before he figures me out, let's do this.

The moment the villain got close enough Ochaco undid her quirk one more time, hoping someone wasn't underneath anymore and hit the villain with her grapple and started pulling him down as she fell, right before she hit the groud, she used her quirk on herself but pulled the grapple so she can slam him into the ground, knocking him out.

Yes! I did it! Release!

Ochaco released her quirk and started to look around for anymore villains or civilians. "Thinking about it, these villains aren't exactly strong. I'd say they're a little stronger than the ones at the USJ incident." Ochaco said to herself.

~~~Izukus POV~~~

The raiding party finally made it to the hideout. "This has been too easy, everyone, keep your gaurds up!" Endeavor said to the group. Some heroes stayed behind with the police to capture all the villains that were defeated.

I feel like a boss is about to show up.

Suddenly the door to the hideout blows open and only blue flames are seen. "Hey there Endeavor, I wonder how your flames fair against mine." Dabi said walking out of the hideout.

Crap, this is one of the worst ones to come out. Only Endeavor can take out his Cremation.

"Everyone! I'll take this one out, just keep going!" Endeavor said. "Oh? So you think you can take me out then? Ok, let's see you try. You fake hero." Dabi said with a smile growing on his face.

After everyone runs inside, Dabi and Endeavor fired blasts at each other colliding the orange and the blue. It seems Endeavor might have his hands full.

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