Chapter 8

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Did She just ask what I think she asked? Do I like Uraraka? I mean, she's a great friend. Is that what she meant?

"Are you going to answer or not Midoriya?" Mina asked getting impatient. "We-well. Yeah. Wait, I mean no. Wait no, I mean. I don't know." Izukus face began growing more and more red as he spoke. "Calm down Midoriya. That just told me everything I need to know. But I have another question." Mina says with a slight grin growing on her face. Izuku took a big gulp since the last question turned him into a mess.

Oh no, what could this one be?

"What are you going to do about it?" Mina asked and began walking away. "What am I going to do about it?" Izuku repeated very confused on what she's asking.

What am I going to do about what? About liking Uraraka? But I don't like her. Do I?

Izuku thought for a minute but began to turn around and go to Ochacos dorm. He was a little flustered so when he made it to the door he began to regain composure. Then he knocked on her door. He heard her yell, "one moment please!"

Ok Izuku, this is just a friend wanting to talk. Don't think about wha-

Before he can finish that thought he sees Ochaco open the door. She's standing on the other side with just short shorts, and a large tee shirt. Way too large for her. He notices that she just got out of the shower cause her hair was damp.


Was all Izuku could think while he just stared at her for a second before Ochaco spoke. "Hey Deku! Took you long enough." Ochaco said starting to giggle a little. "Ye-yeah. Um. Hi." Izuku said getting flustered again. "So, you wanted to talk." Izuku took a deep breath and gained composure once again. "Yeah! Come in. Sorry about the mess." Izuku walked into her room and saw a towel on the ground and a drawer open.

I see, she probably just got out of the shower and changed really quickly when I knocked.

"So, I wanted to talk about your fight. You did awesome Deku! And that move when you threw the rocks into the air. It looked a lot like my move from the sports festival." She began while taking a seat on her bed. "Yeah, I got the inspiration from that move actually, I figured that since Kacchan used a lot of heavy attacks he would probably be tired, and besides, the rocks weren't used to distract or hit him or anything. Mainly to propel me and make him lose sight of where I am." Izuku explained way too much but Ochaco found it adorable so she let him continue but as he finished she giggled. "Sorry, it's just that you explain way too much, I think it's kind of adorable." She just let her mind speak but realized what she had just said. "I mean. Um. It's entertaining." She tried to save herself and began to blush and look away from Izuku.

Adorable? Entertaining? What does she mean by that?

"Yeah, anyway. Anything else you wanted to talk about?" Izuku said. "Oh, well. I was wondering about your quirk. Like, I know how it powers up your body. But I've always wondered how you've been able to extend black tentacles out of your hands. I mean, it's cool but confusing." Ochaco said as she began thinking a lot.

Crap, what should I tell her? I can't just tell her the truth or I'll give away the secret of One for All. But I can't think of a good lie right now. What should I do?

Suddenly Izukus phone began to ring. He checks and sees it's his mom calling.

Thank god.

"Sorry, it's my mom. I have to take this." Izuku said as he got up from the bed and went outside the room. "Hello?" Izuku asked relived. "Izuku! Do you think you could come over tomorrow night and have dinner with me? It's been a while and I miss you son." Inko said with some worry in her voice. "Yeah mom. It could be fun! Did you want me to bring anything?" Izuku asked trying to make the conversation last a little longer. "A friend or two maybe? I wanna meet some of the friends you talk so much about. Like those two. What's their names? Iida and Uraraka right?" When Inko told him to bring friends he got a little excited but then terrified in seconds.

Uraraka and Iida? Meet my mom? I mean. I'm not against it but is she sure?

"Um. Sure. I'll ask them tomorrow and text you, letting you know. Ok?" Izuku said trying to end the call now. "Ok Izuku! I love you son!" Inko said and hung up the phone.

Ok, I guess this could be a good way to change the topic. Let's try it.

Izuku walks back into the room to see Ochaco sitting on the bed still, swinging her feet and looking down.

She really is adorable.

"Hey Deku! What did she want with you?" Ochaco asked seemingly forgetting the question that she had just asked. "So my mom wanted me to come over for dinner tomorrow night, and she was wondering if I could bring some friends. Specifically you and Iida." Izuku said getting a little worried she would say no but wasn't sure why. "Sure! It should be fun!" Ochaco said with a smile before realizing that she will be meeting Izukus mom and started getting a little flustered.

"So, why Iida and I?" She asked trying to compose herself. "Well, she asks me about school a lot and since I never really had many friends growing up she asks about my friends all the time. You two are my closest friends. Well you and Kacchan. But I talk about you two the most. So she figured she wanted to meet my two best friends." Izuku said with a smile

Ochaco began to turn a little pink. "Aw, Deku! That's so sweet! Thank you!" Ochako said standing up and going in for a hug. As the two hugged, Izuku got more and more flustered but enjoyed the hug so he decided to not pull back from it.

This is the second time she's hugged me recently. But something's different this time. It's not just a hug from a girl. It's a hug from Uraraka. I don't want this to end. I don't know why though.

Ochacos face turns bright pink as she pulls back from the hug, ending it. "Sorry. It's just that I also didn't have many friends so hearing you call me your best friend kind of got to me a little." Ochaco said scratching the back of her head and tearing up a little. "No, it's ok. I liked it." When Izuku said that they both turned bright red and Izuku got really flustered. "I- I mean like you! We-well. As a good frie-friend! Yeah!" Izuku started mumbling and getting flustered as Ochaco just stood there with a red face, and her eyes widened.

Oh no. Did I just admit that I liked her?

"Deku, did you just say tha-" before she can finish her sentence, there was a knock on the door and a familiar voice came through it. "Hey! It's bed time so finish up in there and get back to your room Midoriya!" Aizawa yelled through the door.

"Oh. I guess I should go then. See ya later Uraraka." Izuku walked out waving to Ochaco but Ochaco was just stunned. And watched him walk out without even understanding what happened.

Damn, I'm an idiot! How could I just out right say that. Tomorrow is going to be so awkward!

Izuku slowly made it back to his room and hoped she didn't catch what he fully said. Since he was mumbling anyway. He then went to bed and hoped tomorrow would be easy.

~~~Ochaco POV~~~

Ochaco just stood there in shock for two minutes with out moving a muscle.

Did Deku just say what I think he did? He was mumbling so I couldn't entirely catch it. But it sounded a lot like that. Should I ask him about it tomorrow? No cause if he didn't actually say that then it might make things a little awkward.

She eventually got into her bed extremely happy, though she had no idea why. She fell asleep with smile and excited for tomorrow.

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