Chapter 7

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The next day Recovery girl healed Izuku and Bakugo from their injuries but they had to rest so they missed their classes for the day, luckily there was no school tomorrow so they have a slightly longer weekend. The two finally left the room at sunset and headed out to the dorms.

I wonder what Uraraka wanted. And I should also find All Might. I'll look for All Might first since I can find Uraraka at the dorms most likely.

So Izuku started to look for All Might, first checking the teachers lounge and finding nothing. Then thinking about it, he decides to text All Might and meet him at the beach he cleaned to get One for All, and started heading there.

~~~Ochacos POV~~~

Why am I so nervous? It feels like he could knock at any minute. I just wanted to congratulate him in person and ask about that new move a little more, since I never got an answer before.

Ochaco then hears a knock on her door and jumps off her bed.

Oh no, is that him?

She slowly makes her way towards the door and opens it to see her pink friend standing there. "Hey Ochaco! Have you seen Midoriya yet?" Mina asked with a smug tone. "No I didn't, why?" Ochaco asked hoping Mina knows where he is. "Well Bakugo just got back to the dorms and when we asked about Midoriya all he said was that he ran off." Mina said very confused.

Why would Deku run off? Is there something that he needed to do?

"Hm, weird. Well maybe he'll be back in the morning." Ochaco said hiding that she was worried. "Ok well, can you text him or something?" Mina asked half trying to get the two to talk and half concerned for his safety. "Yeah, sure I'll do that right now." Ochaco said pulling the phone out of her pocket. "Cool! Thanks!" Mina began waving and walking away while Ochako began closing the door.

It's weird for Deku to just wonder off but it also wouldn't be the first time. I wonder what he's up to.

~~~Izuku POV~~~

Izuku made it to the beach and felt his phone vibrate. He checked and saw a text from Ochaco saying, "Hey Deku! We noticed that you didn't come back to the dorm with Bakugo. Just checking to see if you're ok!" Izuku smiled and replied letting her know that he was fine and will be back in around 30 minutes.

It's nice of her to care about how I'm doing. I almost forgot that I had to go talk to her so I'll do that right after this.

"Hey! Young Midoriya!" All Might yelled while waving. "Hey All Might!" Izuku waved back now excited to see his childhood hero again even though he's seen him so many times. As All Might finally got close enough, he began speaking. "Great job in the fight. You did amazing, and even made a new move without copying me entirely. Though don't think I missed the name, you need to work on not copying me all the time." All Might said, scolding Izuku. Izuku looked down thinking about what the name could've been but then decides to speak.

"Yeah, I'll try next time. But I can't take full credit for the name or the move. Iida helped a lot, he came up with the idea of precisely using wind pressure on my feet, though it's difficult and I can't control it as well as my fingers can but it's getting there. Also we decided to name it "Louisiana Smash" because of my inspiration of you and Louisiana is shaped like a foot. So it fits." Izuku unnecessarily explained his reasoning making All Might laugh.

"Kid, I was joking but thanks for the explanation I guess. Anyway, your training starts again on sunday, and don't expect it to be easy either. But other than that, I just wanted to say that I'm proud of you kid. You've grown so much." All Might said before hugging Izuku who is now surprisingly growing pretty tall at an alarming rate. "Thank you All Might." Izuku said beginning to tear up.

"Hey All Might, there was something that I need to tell you. I had another dream, similar to black whip when that was unlocked." Izuku said then All Might jumped back from the hug with a confused look on his face. "What happened in it? Did you unlock Levitate?" All Might asked getting a little excited.

"Well, not yet. But it was your master I think. She talked to me and told me that I am getting close but there is still something that I am missing, and that I need to find that missing piece to unlock the quirk. But I have no idea as to what that could be. So I was going to see if you knew." Izuku said with hope. "Well, Nana was all about fighting with a smile and helping people. She's the reason why I started smiling during fights anyway. She once told me that in this world, the ones that could smile are the strongest. So maybe it has something to do with that?" All Might began wondering himself and didn't understand how smiling could unlock a quirk.

"Hm. Ok, I'll think it over. But it's getting late, I should probably get back to the dorms." Izuku said not wanting to leave and just wanting to figure out what it is that he needs to do. "You're right. I'll make an excuse for you if you're late but no promises that it'll work, got it?" All Might said trying to be a good father figure but also a good teacher. "Got it!" Izuku began running back but still kept thinking about the "missing piece".

Hm. So she was the original person that started smiling all the time, if All Might decided to do it because of her then it's gotta have something to do with that. I hardly smile in a fight but I still do it. Maybe it's a mindset that I need to have. I don't know. Hopefully I can figure it out soon.

Izuku finally made it back to the dorms and right before curfew, he had an hour till he had to be in bed but he can still roam the dorms till then, and that's when he decided that he should go check what Ochaco needed. Izuku went towards the elevator and pushed the button to go up to the girls rooms. When the door opened, he saw Mina standing near the elevator.

"Hey Midoriya! Where were you?!" Mina asked concerned about him. Though he had no clue why, they never got really close. But he decided to answer with as much truth as he can without giving away that he was with All Might. "Oh, I was at the beach, sorry. I just have a lot of memories over there and decided that it's been a while." Izuku tried his best to pull off the slight lie.

"Ok, wellllllll. I have a question for you and I need your complete and honest answer. Ok?" Mina said with haste trying not to keep him for too long. "Ok. Ask away." Izuku said not knowing what's about to come next. "Welllll, do you like Ochaco?"

Do I what?!

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