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〚 third person 〛

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Kimura Miki.

That's her name. 

With her long black hair and hazel eyes down to her plump pink lips that was always coated in clear lipgloss, she was found to be the perfect girl. Her body was voluptuous, having curves in all the right places. With flawless slender legs that complimented her skirt that went to mid thigh, she was quite appealing. Her skin was fair with no blemishes which was a heaven sent gift.

Her personality was known to also be attractive. Being kind and helpful to everyone, she was a great class representative. Sitting at the top of the hierarchy, she was single-handedly the most popular girl within the school. Everyone loved the considerate, loving, reliable friend she was.

If only they knew, she was actually rotten inside.

"Morning, Kimura-san!"

"Kimura-san, good morning!"

"Good morning!"

"Good morning, everyone!" Miki said as she smiled brightly at the students she passed by. Boys and girls gushed over her, loving the aura she held all the time.

"Kimura-san!" A feminine voice called out, catching Miki off guard. The raven haired female turned around, nearly being run over by a fellow female student. "Sorry!"

Miki dusted her uniform slightly, smiling kindly at the girl before her. Ugh.

"What's wrong, Tachibana-san?" Miki asked politely, grabbing Tachibana's shoulder to calm to the panicked female down.

Tachibana bit her lip, glancing away from Miki's eyes for a second. "I forgot to do my homework. Could I please copy of you? I really need to turn it in or I'll fail!"

Do I look like I care? Do your own fucking work. Despite her harsh thoughts, Miki giggled and nodded softly. "Of course you can. I completed it last night."

Fishing the paper out of her bag, she handed it to Tachibana who squealed, thanking Miki for the help. With that, Tachibana ran off to her own classroom to copy down the answers.

Miki turned on her heels, heading off to her classroom to begin her daily routine. As she slid the classroom door open, she felt her mood instantly plummet. Slamming the door closed behind her, she pointed a finger at the blonde who sat at his desk with a book in hand.

"What the fuck are you doing here?!" She whisper-shouted, stomping in his direction. The blonde simply yawned, glancing up at her then back down at his book. "Don't fucking ignore me!"

Tsukishima raised an eyebrow at her, smirking slightly. "This is my class. Did you already forget, Class Rep?"

"I fucking knew that!" She barked, slamming a hand on his desk. "Why are you here right now?"

"To get my headphones, Detective." He rose his hands in defense, flashing her a flat look. Soon, a smug smile crept onto his lips. "Aww, did you think I came early because I missed you? In your dreams, sweetheart."

Miki knitted her eyebrows together at him, placing a hand on her hips. "What the fuck makes you think I'd even think of that idea?"

Tsukishima shrugged, leaning back in his seat to get comfortable and read his book again. After a few moments of her staring at him, she turned on her heels and stomped over to the front of the classroom.

"Fucking jackass. I hope he chokes on a fucking pickle and gets hospitalized." Miki growled under her breath as she aggressively wiped the board to rid of the chalk.

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