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[ third person ]


"Meet me at the gate."

Despite usually being uncooperative to anything he'd say or ask, Miki simply nodded and walked off with her head in the clouds. That specific reaction left Tsukishima taken aback.

Where's the snarky comeback?

Where's the attitude?

It was nowhere to be seen after she had returned to Miyagi. The first day back at school after their trip to Tokyo, Miki had begun to act weirdly. Her mind was in the clouds as she constantly brooded over something. She was too busy thinking about it to notice anything else around her.

What was it?

As they began to clean up to conclude practice, the team watched Tsukishima with curious eyes. His head also seemed to be in the clouds, mostly because Miki was behaving differently.

"Tsukishima, are you and Miki going on a date today?" Suga asked as he laid a hand on Tsukishima's shoulder, bringing the male out of his trance.

"Yeah." When Suga's words processed in his mind, Tsukishima quickly shook his head. "Wait, what? No."

Despite the smug feeling that filled his chest, Suga smiled kindly at Tsukishima, "Ah, I see. I thought you were fretting over your date plans."

"What? No." Tsukishima muttered as he picked up his kneepads, making his way over to the door. He sighed, heading up to the clubroom to quickly change back into his uniform then head out. When he finally did finish, he made his way over to the gate after bidding his farewells with Yamaguchi who was walking Yachi home.

Miki stood at the gate with her eyes downcast. Based on the way she stood, he could tell something was bothering her.

"What?" Tsukishima spoke you as he walked up beside her, not failing to see the way she jumped. His eyes slid over to her to peek at her expression.

"It's none of your business, four-eyes." Miki muttered, trying to be her usual witty self. She failed to realize that her comment lacked any type of emotion. "Where are we going today?"

Tsukishima shrugged, "I don't know. What other questions do we have left to complete?"

When he received no reply, he glanced back at Miki. His expression completed changed when he saw the look on her face as she stared at something in the distance. "Hello?"

Miki jumped again, instinctively getting closer to Tsukishima who looked up at the spot where she was staring at earlier. A figure stood in the distance, so far that it was hard to tell who it was exactly. What the fu-

"Can..." Miki swallowed her pride for once. "Can we just go to your house for today?"

Tsukishima's gaze lingered on the guy in the distance before he nodded, looking away. "Uh, yeah, whatever."

Miki reached out, grabbing his shirt to avoid getting too far from him.

"Don't hold onto my shirt." Tsukishima said as he reached back, disconnecting her hand from his shirt.

"Ah, sorr-"

His hand clasped around her own in a warm embrace, keeping them together as they walked. Her eyes slightly widened as she stared at the back of his head, desperately trying to see the expression he wore.

"It's easier this way."

[ t i m e   s k i p ]

"AHHHHH!" Another audible scream escaped Miki's lips as she had a mental breakdown in the corner of Tsukishima's room. The male watched from his bed, blocking out her screams with his headphones that played songs from his playlist.

"Let me know when you're done losing your mind, so we can actually talk."

Miki turned around, sniffling lightly as she peeked at Tsukishima. "I'm done." She mumbled with a pout.

The boy took off his headphones and tossed them aside. He sat up, patting the bed lightly as he folded his legs to sit criss-cross. Miki crawled over to the side of his bed, resting her chin on the bed while remaining on the floor.

He rose an eyebrow at the female, waiting for her to speak up about the guy who was in the street.

"I have a stalker." Miki smacked her face on his bed, screaming into the blanket that smelt strongly the male's cologne. It made her go silent and just calmly inhale.

"How do you know?" Tsukishima asked, seemingly interested in the topic of stalker. So that's who that guy was?

Miki scratched her head with a small huff. "When we got back to Miyagi, he caught me on the way home. He told me it was love at first sight or some bullshit like that. He's been fucking following me ever since."

Miki threw herself on the floor, nearly making Tsukishima laugh. "To make matters worse, he's a student at Karasuno."

"He is?" The blond asked as his eyebrows shot up with surprise. "Wow. That's troublesome."

"You think?" Miki growled as she whacked his leg that was now outstretched along the mattress since she didn't sit down on the bed.

"Well, that sucks. Anyway, what about the project?" His playful change in topic earned him a pillow to the face by Miki who groaned aloud.

"Fuck you, Tsukishima! This creep is gonna fucking kidnap me on my way home or some shit and it's gonna be because you brushed it off like it was nothing." Miki snapped, huffing loudly at the male who rolled his eyes.

Truth be told, Tsukishima knew exactly how dangerous and serious this situation was. A stalker was no joke, seeing as he was following her around and making her uncomfortable to the point where she felt unsafe. He didn't know how to help in a way that wouldn't stir up too much trouble to alert any of the teachers or the police.

"Why me? I'm not even good looking! What the fuck?!" Miki groaned, bashing her face against his bed again to take out her frustration.

"Hey," Tsukishima called out, catching the attention of the female who slowly looked up. A smirk made its way to his face as he leaned down, speaking quietly. "I've got an idea to solve this."

The raven haired female nodded. Anything will help.

"Why don't we fake date then?"


[ a/n : ahh, hello. i am 15 (almost 16) with chronic back pain for no reason at all. still, i am persevering and updating this book everyday ( ° ͜ ʖ °) the next few chapters will probs be more interesting YEE

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