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( things get a little heavy but it's okay. we'll return to fluffy chapters soon (◔◡◔) )

[ third person ]


"Oh my god. This man does not give up." Miki said as she bashed her head against the table, grunting under her breath. Tsukishima sighed, leaning back in his seat as he glanced over at the annoying pest who watched from afar. "He's so fucking weird. Fuck."

"You can say that again." Tsukishima muttered as he slumped further in his seat. Hiroki stood in the distance, 'subtly' watching the two who were currently sat in a bakery with cake between them.

They were sat beside each other, trying to seem a couple-like as possible to chase this guy away. Nothing was working.

"This is so frustrating." Miki grunted as she shifted towards Tsukishima, feeling a icky feeling in his body as Hiroki stared daggers into them from afar. "He's not even being sly about it either. What the fuck?"

"He really is persistent. His incessant staring is ruining the taste of the cake." Tsukishima muttered with a sour face as he popped another bite of cake into his mouth. He nonetheless still enjoyed his slice of cake.

"I don't think this is gonna work." Miki mumbled, holding her head in her hands. Tsukishima could tell she was growing more and more distraught with the situation. "I don't even feel safe in my own home at night, and he won't even leave me alone when I have a boyfriend."

"I think we should call the police or something." Miki suggested as she whipped out her phone, wanting to hurriedly dial the number to save herself. "Or I'll drop kick this motherfucker in the shins and shatter his tibias."

"Neither of those options will help us in the long run." Tsukishima sighed as he took the phone from her hand, shutting it off.

Miki rose an eyebrow at him, "What do you mean?"

"Well, snapping his leg bones in half will lead to a lawsuit and jail. Calling the police won't help too much since they'll brush it off because we have no evidence and we're highschool students." Tsukishima gently tapped her forehead with his knuckle. "Think wisely instead getting all upset and being irrational."

"Well, you got a better fucking idea, dipshit?"

There was a silence as Tsukishima shot her a flat look that made her cover her face.

"Fine. I'm sorry. Go on."



"Okay, what the fuck is your issue?" Tsukishima snapped as he turned to Miki who was fuming. "Don't you know how to listen instead of talking like a damn punk who doesn't know their place?"

"Hah? What the fuck did you call me?" Miki growled as she stood up, ready to beat his ass in this bakery.

Tsukishima scoffed, "I thought you were different from those idiots in my club but I guess I was wrong. You're even worse than Kageyama and Hinata."

Miki gawped at him, absolutely baffled that Tsukishima would even say such a thing. "You're such a fucking prick. You think you're so amazing because you're slightly smarter than others and born with some freak height. In the end, you're still just a fucking asshole with a shitty personality."

Too heated, neither of them cared about their image as hey argued within the bakery.

"E-Excuse me. Could you guys, err, please argue outside?" The woman who worked within the bakery said as she stood at the end of the table with a sheepish expression.

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