- nine -

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〚 third person 〛

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Tsukishima rested his back against the wall. Using the towel that rested around his neck, he wiped the sweat that slid down the side of his face. An exasperated sigh escaped his lips as he closed his eyes for a second.

"Yo, beanpole." A voice called out as a cold sensation hit his forehead. Peeling open his eyes, he was met with the familiar dark brown that slanted downwards into semi-concerned look. "What the fuck are you doing over here?"

Taking the water bottle from her hand, he rolled his eyes. "What does it look like?"

Huffing, she stood up straight and put her hands on her hips. "Well, get your shit together and hurry up. We're going to a family restaurant."

Tsukishima rose an eyebrow at the female. "Who's 'we'?"

Shooting him a flat look, she pointed at herself. "Me, you, Akiteru-kun and Hitomi-san. Duh."

"And how did this plan come to exist?" Tsukishima asked, resting his arms on his knees that were propped up. Miki shrugged, glancing at the other males who scattered along the gym.

"Hitomi-san texted me earlier that we were going. I'm just telling you." Miki responded as she held out a hand to the male. Reluctantly, he grabbed it and allowed her to pull him off the floor. "I'll be waiting outside."

Before Tsukishima could respond, Miki walked out the door after bowing to everyone within the gym. Once the door shut, Yamaguchi pranced over to Tsukishima who had a weird look on his face. "What's wrong, Tsukki?"

He shook his head, not answering the question. He brushed past Yamaguchi, making his way over to the closet to begin cleaning up.

That was the least amount of cuss words she's ever said.

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Miki stood outside the gym with her bag slung over her shoulder. Instead of her usual school uniform, she wore a simple black long-sleeve with some black ripped shorts. She looked pretty cute.

"Let's go, shorty." Tsukishima said as he walked ahead of his team. Miki quickly bowed to the males, following after Tsukishima who began walking in the direction of his house.

Arriving at his house, he was greeted by his mother and brother who scrambled around the house.

"Oh, Kei, perfect timing! Hurry and get ready so we can leave!" Hitomi said as she rushed around the house, trying to get ready for their reservation at a nearby restaurant.

Tsukishima glanced back at Miki who waved him down. "I'll be fine."

Tsukishima opened his mouth to make a small remark, but was cut off by Akiteru showing up.

"Miki-chan, you look so pretty!" This compliment brought a soft smile to Miki's lips as she was engulfed in a hug by Akiteru.

"Thanks, Akiteru-kun. You look good too." Miki replies as she gave the male a side-hug.

Tsukishima's eyes slid away from the two as a feeling of annoyance washed over him. He walked into his room, quickly getting ready to get going. Since when did they get close?

"In the car, kids!" Hitomi called out as she grabbed the door handle, throwing it open. Miki waited at the doorway fro Tsukishima who was taking his sweet time while everyone else got into the car.

Neither of them said anything as Tsukishima locked the front door, following Miki to the car in the driveway. Opening the door, Miki hopped in and settled in her seat while Tsukishima slid in beside her. Akiteru sat in the driver's seat with Hitomi in the passenger's and both teens in the backseat.

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