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〚 third person 〛

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As Miki entered school campus, the stares from other students seemed to be double than usual. Everyone's eyes were trained on her face as she smiled warmly, greeting everyone.

Entering her classroom, she was greeted by a bunch of students who gasped with surprise. She smiled cheekily, waving at everyone as she walked over to her seat.

"Kimura-san! What happened to your lip?!" A fellow student screeched as they rushed over to her side. Miki smiled, patting the female's head softly.

"It was a slip-up on my part. I tripped yesterday and hit my lip. I should've been watching where I was going, but I was too absorbed in my own world." Miki laughed softly, holding back a grimace when a pain shot through her lip.

The student nodded, staring at Miki's face with worry. Not only was her lip split, but her chin was also slightly bruised to the point where it was highly noticeable.

"I hope I don't look weird or anything." Miki forced a sheepish laugh, running a hand through her hair as students quickly began to defend her.

Sitting down in her seat, she found herself glancing in Tsukishima's direction, meeting his sharp honey eyes. They were slightly thinner, scrutinizing the raven haired female who stiffly pretended she didn't see him. His eyes didn't move away from her until the bell rang and the teacher began speaking.

"Class time will be dedicated to the project today. Move near your partner." With that said, the loud clatter of desks scraping against the floor began. Miki reluctantly moved to Tsukishima who had his eyes on her again.   

Once she was settled in front of him, she met his eyes with a pointed look. "What?"

Tsukishima propped his elbow up on the table and leaned into his hand. "Didn't take you for the clumsy type. Although, I knew you were stupid, but not clumsy."

Smacking Tsukishima's hard hard with her notebook, she smiled sweetly at him. "There was a bug on your arm."

"Whatever, Midget." Tsukishima muttered, opening his notebook to begin working on the project. Miki did the same, pretending not to notice the glances Tsukishima casted over at her.

If this shithead wants to ask about my face, he should just fucking do it. Staring is so annoying. Miki thought as she bit the end of her pencil, keeping her eyes trained on her paper.

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"Guess we'll resume later." Miki said as she picked up her back, heading over to the teacher to retrieve her pink slip. Tsukishima didn't reply, simply closing his notebook to conclude his work. He saw no point in continuing since his partner was leaving for the remainder of the day.

"What the hell happened to your face?!? Miki?!? Do I need to call Yukio again?!? Miki?!?" Etsuko held Miki's chin in her hands, trying to treat the split lip that had already dried up. Her eyes slightly drooped as concern filled her eyes. "Was it your father again?"

Miki glanced away, nodding slightly. "He got a little angry when he found out I was at a boy's house late at night. He thinks I'm "tainting" his reputation."

Etsuko sighed, frowning at Miki who didn't look too affected by what had happened. "A father should never do that to a female, much less his own daughter."

Miki plastered a smile on her face. "It's, uh, fine. I'm used to it. He just tossed the book a little too hard."

"Well, you shouldn't be."

TWO FACED . tsukishima kei [✓]Where stories live. Discover now