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[ third person ]


Overwhelmed. That's how Miki felt.

Being stuck co-running a booth for her class while she was preparing for the play that was set to begin in less than an hour was troublesome. It didn't help that Shinsato had disappeared a while ago when he got caught by his math teacher who had a lot to say to him.

Miki exited the classroom, making her way down the hall. People greeted her and bowed to her, saying hi to the female who murmured a quick greeting in return.

Her eyes searched the halls for the familiar upperclassmen that would be needed for the play that'd happen in less than an hour. After searching the entire school, she found no sight of him. This asshat.

Growing more and more frustrated, Miki felt tears prick her eyes as she stepped into an empty classroom. The pressure of working the booth while performing in the play was getting to her. It didn't help that Tsukishima was ignoring her because of their argument that last longer than she expected.

She slid down the hall, tugging at her hair, squeezing her eyes closed. I want help. I need someone's help.

After their presentation, Tsukishima has begun avoiding Miki. Whenever their eyes met, he'd pretend he didn't see. No reaction, no comment, no sour expression. Just a simple averting of the eyes. It was annoying to argue all the time but it hurt even more to be treated as if she didn't exist. Sometimes, she'd tried to reach out to him. Waiting for him after practice or trying to catch him after class, he simply avoided her at all costs. God, that really made her feel like shit.

Though, she couldn't really do much about it. It was partially her fault that this even happened because she wasn't able to turn down the offer of working on the play. It couldn't be helped! Sensei said this would be a good opportunity for my class and the school if the play did well.

She held her head in her hands, desperately trying to collect her thoughts. She seriously couldn't understand why everything was going awry.

I never should've worked on this play in the first place. If I knew it was gonna strain everything for me, I would've never done it. Especially if Tsukishima....

She banged her head on the hall, whining lowly. Fuck.

Within another part of the school, Kageyama and Hinata were busy searching for the female who had gone MIA about ten minutes ago. The two frantically searched each classroom to find the female who was needed by two different people.

"Where do you think she would've gone?" Hinata asked dramatically as Kageyama slapped him upside the head, also distraught with Miki's disappearance.

"How the hell am I supposed to know?! You'd know if anything!" Kageyama shouted, creating an argument between the two who quarreled loudly in the hall about who knew Miki better. Pointless, really.

"It's not my fault you lost Miki! You were supposed to be watching her, boke!" Kageyama shouted, pointing a finger at Hinata who gasped.

"What is she, a dog?!? She doesn't need to be watched, you- you- you freaking dummy!" Hinata shouted back as he whacked Kageyama on the head, instantly regretting it when he saw the dark look on the male's face. "Oh sugar honey iced tea-"

Turning on his heels, he dashed for it, hoping to make it out with his life. Before he got three feet, he ran splat into a wall. A rude wall, may I add.

"Ew." Tsukishima muttered as he pushed Hinata away, not even bothering to save him from the hell hound that was running at them. "What're you idiots arguing about?"

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