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[ third person ]


If anyone had to describe Tsukishima Kei, they probably say he was a rational, salty but observant guy who always thought of the best options within situations. They didn't think he was the type to be frustrated 24/7 over trivial things. Was this even trivial though?

"Tsukishima!" Tanaka called out as he slung a heavy arm over Tsukishima's shoulders, yanking him down a bit too roughly for his liking. The blond held the volleyball between his fingers, glancing to the side at his upperclassmen who grinned.

"Where's your girlfriend? She's been missing lately." Tanaka asked, earning a sigh from Suga and Daichi who stood in the corner of the gym.

"He really does not let Tsukishima catch a break, huh?" Daichi said with a small shake of the head as he watched Tsukishima grow more and more irritated with Tanaka's questioning.

"Where's Miki?" Hinata asked innocently, getting the volleyball thrown at his head by Tsukishima. "OW-"

"Tsukishima, that wasn't very nice." Daichi scolded curtly, shooting the boy a pointed look. Tsukishima rolled his eyes, walking off to grab his knee pads that sat on the floor beside the court. He disappeared into the closet to get the mop to begin cleaning.

"He seems cranky recently. It's been what, a week since he started acting like this?" Suga said as he gently patted Hinata's head, reducing the pain the smaller boy felt in his head. "Is it because of Miki-chan?"

"Of course it's because of Miki. He's a freaking sim-" Nishinoya was accidentally elbowed by Asahi who was frantically trying to stop the boy from talking since Tsukishima was returning.

Tsukishima's frustration levels had shockingly skyrocketed after getting in a relationship with Miki. Not because of Miki herself, but because of the fact that her responsibilities as Class Rep to do the play and festival were beginning to shorten the time they had together. At first, he didn't mind all too much since Miki would unintentionally make it up to him by giving him a kiss towards the end of the day. Unfortunately, the rehearsal for the play had begun to drag out and now she was unable to meet him at all.

It didn't help that Miki was spending a whole lot of alone time with Shinsato, the infamous sleepy senpai that had a very large female fan base. Them being alone together for such long periods of time was making him...uneasy.

He knew Miki wasn't the type to cheat, especially after only getting into the relationship about a week ago. Though, he couldn't really trust Shinsato, who was partially known for wrecking relationships.

"Shin-senpai, seriously, go home." Miki's distinctive voice slightly echoed in the gym through the windows. This caught her attention of almost everyone inside the gym. "Take a step back, sir. I don't want your fish breath in my face."

"Miki, that's so prick. My breath smells like minty gum." Shinsato argued playfully as he slung an arm around her shoulder, purposely breathing hard in her face.

She faked a gag, turning away from him, "More like your breath smells like cum."

"Damn, that one hurt." Shinsato held his heart, feigning hurt as he pouted. "Give me a kiss and I'll leave you alone for now."

"And why should I do that?"

Shinsato grinned, shrugging, "Extra rehearsal for the play." He offered, watching as Miki's flat expression went neutral.

"True." She said as she shrugged, standing on her tippy toes, making a move to kiss him.

She's actually gonna do it? Shinsato thought, quickly being proved wrong when Miki elbowed him in the stomach harder than she probably should've. At the exact same time, the gym door flew open to reveal Tsukishima with the rest of the team behind him.

"You're the devil, Miki." Shinsato said as he held his stomach, chuckling lightly. "I'll see you tomorrow!"

As the male walked off, Miki flipped his retreating figure off before huffing, turning to Tsukishima who leaned on the gym door frame with a tight jaw. Her impudent behavior quickly faded away under the intense gaze of the blond.

"Hey.." She greeted, awkwardly waving at Tsukishima who quirked an eyebrow at her, not saying anything to her.

"We'll be done in a few! You can sit down inside, if you'd like." Suga offered, earning a small shake of the head from Miki.

"It's okay, I'll just wait outside."

As soon as practice ended and everyone had changed to go home, Miki was told goodbye by the entire team who walked past her. Tsukishima walked by last, showing down when he got near the female who joined him at his side.

"Rehearsal ended early today because Sensei said we're doing good. He doesn't want us to overwork ourselves." Miki explained as she sighed to herself. "I'm so fucking tired. I wanna sleep."

"What was he talking about?" His question was sharp, cutting off whatever lighthearted mood Miki had going on.

"What do you mean?" Asked the confused female who rose an eyebrow at him.

He rose an eyebrow back at her, "You guys have to kiss in the play?"

Miki felt a bead of sweat form on her forehead. "Uh, yeah. Just a quick peck or whatever. I don't want to do it but Sensei and the drama club think it'll be better if we do."

As rational and understanding as Tsukishima was, he really hated the thought of that sleazy senpai getting to put his lips on Miki. It made his blood heat up. Ugh. When did I turn into such a hot-headed amoeba?

"What's up?" Miki asked as she leaned around his body, trying to see his expression. He simply turned away from her, sighing softly.

The two were stopped in front of Miki's house, standing under a single streetlight that illuminated their features a bit from above. He stood a bit further from her than normal, seeing as he was usually always up in her business, even when she didn't want him there.

He shoved his hands in pockets, "It's nothing. Just hurry up and go inside." He gave her a short wave, turning on his heels to walk off. Before he could even get two feet away, he turned around and strolled over to her with brisk steps. He grabbed her wrists as he pressed his lips to hers, placing a chaste, quick kiss on her lips before pulling away. "Goodnight."

With that, he turned away and began his journey back to his house while Miki stood frozen in the street.

GAH, I HATE WHEN HE DOES THAT!!! She screamed internally, flustered by his sudden kiss that she wasn't used to yet. He held a very special place in her heart, leaving her almost too flustered to move every time he did anything.

When she finally made it into the house, she went upstairs and quickly shower then hopped into her. That entire night, she could only think about the tingling sensation of her lips that were warmth from his kiss. I miss him already.

[ a/n : it's 12:25am and im supposed to be sleep cuz school but im going through a small crisis cuz I'm tryna do 17 things at once LMAO BSJDHJD RIP but heyyy, I update AHAHAHA ]

[ a/n : it's 12:25am and im supposed to be sleep cuz school but im going through a small crisis cuz I'm tryna do 17 things at once LMAO BSJDHJD RIP but heyyy, I update AHAHAHA ]

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don't look too closely bc then you'll see how ugly it actually is LMAO

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