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〚 third person 〛

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"I thought we were gonna watch a fucking movie at your house?" Miki questioned as she begrudgingly followed Tsukishima to the station. The blond rolled his eyes, entering the train without saying much.

Plopping in a nearby seat, Tsukishima sighed and glanced at Miki who trailed behind. She sat beside him, keeping enough space between them. "Just be glad I even considered bringing a nuisance like you along."

Miki pinched his side, growling with annoyance. "Shut up, asshat."

"You've got such a nasty attitude, Class Rep." Tsukishima incited, snickering when she threw him a dirty look.

"I'll saw off your dick, Tsukishima." Miki glowered as she pinched his arm hard. He swatted her arm, chuckling quietly.

"So vulgar." Tsukishima turned away for a moment, glancing at the passengers that scattered along the train.

"Anyway, what movie is it? Better not be some bullshit romance movie." Miki drawled out with exasperation, praying it was an action movie.

Instead of a snarky, ambiguous response like usual, Tsukishima simply nodded. "Jurassic World."

Miki threw her head back in understanding. She crossed her arms over her chest, snickering to herself. "Ahh, I forgot you're a dino nerd."

Tsukishima's honey-colored eyes flickered to her chest that was squished between her arms then away. His eyes fell upon the nearby male passengers who leered at Miki openly.

Sliding off his jacket, he threw it at her head. She caught it, narrowing her eyes at the male who shot her a shit-eating grin. "We can't have the princess catching a cold and getting sick."

"You know," Miki said as she slid her arms through the whole of the jacket. "I will fucking wear it, and when you get cold, don't ask for it back!"

Tsukishima rolled his eyes, flicking her forehead to shut her up. Closing his eyes, he leaned his head against the wall to relax while the train took them to their destination.

Once Miki realized Tsukishima couldn't see her, she frowned and glanced down at the train floor. The lecherous stares were piercing through her skin, leaving her with an icky feeling.

Quietly, she grabbed Tsukishima's jacket and pulled it closer to her body, covering herself up completely. She scooted to the side, sitting barely an inch away from Tsukishima who pretended not to notice. Being closer to him filled her with a strange sense of safety.

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"Fuck! I'm so excited!" Miki exclaimed as she jumped happily, waiting in line beside Tsukishima who looked bored. Despite his indifferent expression, he was genuinely excited for the movie since the trailer was pretty amazing.

"How many?" The old woman at the counter asked as she glanced at Tsukishima and Miki.

"One general," He jut a finger in Miki's direction, smiling smugly. "And one infant."

The old woman smiled fondly as Miki bickered with Tsukishima for his insult. Taking Tsukishima's money, she handed him back his change, two tickets for the movie and a large pink ticket. "It's a discount ticket for couples. Use it again when you two come back again."

Tsukishima bowed, accepted the ticket while Miki narrowed her eyes at him.

"We're no-"

"Oh, look, popcorn." Tsukishima said as he pushed her in the direction of the food. He wasn't about to lose this discount ticket because of some stupid girl.

TWO FACED . tsukishima kei [✓]Where stories live. Discover now