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[ third person ]


Miki yawned as she awoke from her slumber. After falling asleep at eight last night, she felt slightly refreshed for once.

The way the sun shined down through her window made the room warm. The atmosphere of the morning felt relaxing. For once, she felt like today would be a good day.

Quickly talking a shower, the female changed into her uniform and brushed out her hair. When she was satisfied with her appearance, she grabbed her bag and made her way over to the door.

The female descended the stairs, humming to herself. I'm gonna grab a quick snack and get the hell out of here.

"I fucking hate everyone at this school! Everyone here is a piece of shit!" Miki froze, hearing the familiar words echo through the kitchen. She stood there for a second, wondering if it was her imagination.

"Fuck everything already! I'm sick of this bullshit!" The words rang through the room like a loud bell, making her heart drop. Slowly turning around, she came face to face with her father who held his phone in front of her face.

"What is this?" The tone in his voice made her shudder with fear, worried for his reaction to what she'd have to say. His glare was dark and menacing, burning a hole into her skull as she fearfully looked down.

"I-I..." She trailed off anxiously, unable to make a proper response. How'd he get that?

Her father slammed his hand against the wall so loudly that Miki jumped. "Answer me! What the fuck is this?"

"I'm sorry." Miki was quick to apologize, doing her best to avoid any physical confrontation with the man. "I...I didn't think anyone was at the school."

"You didn't think?" He bellowed, growing more and more angry with his daughter. "Of course you weren't fucking thinking. This bullshit was spread everywhere and now my reputation is going to be ruined. All because you were raised by that annoying, useless brat who used to live next door."

Miki's head snapped up angril, "Yukio's not-" Her head snapped to the side as her father laid an aggressive hand on her cheek. The sting made her gasp, still not used to being hit like that.

"Don't ever speak to me like that. You live in my house, so you'll do whatever I say. You don't pay any bills in this home nor do you work at all. You should be glad you even have a  place to live." He snapped, gritting his teeth angrily when he saw the spitting image of his ex wife in Miki. "Get-"

His eyes slightly widened when he pulled her jacket to the side, accidentally catching a glimpse of the purple hickey on her neck. His anger shot through the roof at the thought of his daughter ruining his reputation even more.

"What the fuck is this?" He growled as he yanked at her uniform, roughly pulling it away from her neck. She covered it with her hand, trying to escape his grip. "So you think that you can whore around like your mother did? So fucking disgusting."

Grabbing her by the shirt, he dragged her over to the door. Miki's legs could barely keep up with the male who dragged her out the door, throwing her in the backseat of his car.

He sat in the driver's seat, starting up the car. Miki couldn't even say anything out of fear.

Where are we going?

After about five minutes of driving, he arrived at the destination and parked on the side of the road. He quickly got out, throwing open her door and yanking her out.

The female fell to the ground, scraping her knees. She winced, holding back the cries of pain.

"This is where whores like you belong." He scoffed, getting back into his car and driving off, leaving her stranded. Her eyes filled with tears as she stood up, dusting off her legs that were covered in small rocks.

Once her eyes landed on the place where he left her, all the emotion left her face.

A brothel.

[ t i m e   s k i p ]

By the time Miki had made it to school, it's was already lunch time. Students didn't greet her as she walked through the halls looking like hell. The whispers that spread through the corridors were all too familiar. It was a repeat of junior high all over again.

The female didn't care anymore. The ache in her heart was prominent after she realized that everyone had seen the video that only Tsukishima had. Her only purpose was to find the blond.

"Tsukki, I-" Yamaguchi paused when he saw Miki approaching. A frown fell upon his lips as sympathy consumed him after hearing about the talk about her.

"You!" Miki grabbed Tsukishima by the collar of his shirt, yanking him towards her. Her eyes were thin with anger as she clenched her jaw, trying her hardest avoid tearing up. "I can't fucking believe you."

The blond rose a brow, giving off an unintentional disinterested aura. "What?"

She trembled furiously, feeling the physically and mental pain fuel her anger. "You knew exactly why I didn't want anyone to see that video yet you still spread it around like it was a fucking joke."

"What the hell are you even yammering about?"

"I hate you!" Miki's anger spiked upon hearing those words. She rose a hand, wanting to slap him so hard that his glasses would fly off. As she looked up, meeting his honey eyes that she had grown fond of, her hand faltered. I...can't.

Her eyes filled with tears as her grip on his collar loosened. She laughed a sad laugh that made everyone nearby frown.

"You really hate me, huh?" She asked with a mirthless smile, not bothering to wipe the tears that slid down her cheeks. The lump in her throat was only getting thicker as she bit her trembling lip, holding back the sobs that threatened to spill.

Tsukishima stepped forward, lifting an arm to reach out to the female. She flinched and stepped away, feeling a lingering sting in her cheek from the previous slap earlier.

Miki smiled once more, choking up as she spoke, "I guess I was just troublesome. Sorry."

Turning on her heels, the female walked off as her sobs began to spill. The students on the hall watched her walk away with sad eyes, feeling bad for their Class Rep who seemed to be suffering the most.

All eyes shifted to Tsukishima who looked distraught. It was the first time they had ever seen such an expressive look on his cold face.


[ a/n : YALL IM SO SORRY FOR BRINGING THE MOOD DOWN! im not much of a conflict/angst person since I usually resolve it quickly so i wanted to try a book with a bit more conflict in it. i hope you guys don't hate it too much! it'll be resolved soon!! ٩(ŏŏ)۶ HAVE A NICE DAY I LOVE YOU, DRINK SOME WATER AND A PROPER MEAL! HERES A KITH ()💋 ]

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